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Stacker: Riga schools are ready for face-to-face studies

Mass testing of unvaccinated students, which started this week, is not going well in Riga either, but they are all to be solved. This is what the mayor of the capital said today, August 27, reporting on the readiness of schools for the new school year, reports TV3 News.

Of course, taking the Covid-19 saliva test is inconvenient, but it is a precondition for parents not to have to work as home teachers again this year.

Many students had to go to school this week, this week, before the start of the school year, because there is testing of unvaccinated students has begun. Some Latvian schools were not provided with tests in time. And, according to the mayor of Riga, there were also problems in the capital.

Mārtiņš Staķis

Mayor of Riga, “About! / Progressive”

“Cooperation with the laboratories that supply these tests varies. I will not hide that there are also some problems. Somewhere the numbers do not match, somewhere there may be late deliveries. But they are all operational problems that can and will be solved. ”

Read more – VM recognizes problem situations in school Covid-19 screenings

Although there are no data on how many Riga students will not be able to study in person and study at home because their parents have not allowed them to perform Covid-19 analyzes, it is known that such cases exist.

Iveta Ratinīka

Head of the Education Committee of the Riga City Council, “For the Development of Latvia”

There have been some signals of individual schools where some parents are making some claims. Yes, I personally know a couple of students who are transitioning to distance learning, but that is considering other steps than just vaccination or testing.

The management of the Riga City Council urges parents to treat epidemiological safety measures with understanding, the main goal of which is to reduce the risk that they will have to study remotely again.

Iveta Ratinīka

Head of the Education Committee of the Riga City Council, “For the Development of Latvia”

“Dear parents, it is up to your common sense that you do not challenge yourself to become home teachers. It is impossible to say even more directly. “

In the mayor’s assessment, requirements in schools, regularly test and wear masks, is neither excessive nor unique. The stacker said he was doing the same elsewhere in Europe to provide face-to-face training.

Mārtiņš Staķis

Mayor of Riga, “About! / Progressive”

“When I went to school, there was a saying that ‘you can’t force Rain to love you at school.’ Obviously, the chances of “Zoom” are even less. So I say again that the training must take place in person. The winners will be parents, the winners will be teachers. But most importantly, the biggest beneficiaries will be our children. ”

The mayor of the capital today confirmed that educational institutions are ready to open their doors to students on the first of September.

Mārtiņš Staķis

Mayor of Riga, “About! / Progressive”

“Riga schools are ready for face-to-face studies.”

Meanwhile, the latest information on vaccination shows that both vaccines against Covid-19 in Riga schools received about 70% of employees. Similar indicators are found in music and art schools, sports schools and interest centers. But kindergarten workers are still the least vaccinated, with 56% vaccinated.-

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