using antibiotics withoutnecessity, like candy.Adriana: They are not candy,definitely.we return with Ópez, whokeep monitoring theweather conditions.weekend?jeús: it’s friday, adriana, andthe body knows clear sky during thenight allowstemperatures drop andsit on the wire.the wind blows from 10 to 20miles per hour, 15 miles pertime for the watch and 14miles per hour for jfk.29° para monticello, whiteplains at 38, newark agreefour and manhattan at 42.there feel thetemperatures, if we add thewind factor.20 ° towards monticello, the pointcentral park, 38°. newarkalso at 38 °.wear a strong coat thisnight, gloves and hat forprotect limbs fromher body.the next hours willchange.for Saturday morningcomes a low pressure thatI do not rule out the possibility ofa snowflake, especially inthe metro area and towards theinterior of new jersey.this Sunday everything is going to change.during the day there was enoughcloudiness.Monday at 5:00 a.m.tomorrow we will have bringing us blonde.rain.I will not exclude thepossibility of stormselectrical. be carefulby Monday, they are I bring you the prognosisspread out for them to seeconditions for this purposeweek. Saturday at 47, theSunday at 44.we are going to have a fabulous day,but at night it increases thecloudiness.for Monday at 61, thetemperature rises again.