íctor: thanks to mariela,we go back with stephanie tolet him tell us the detailsabout the conditions of theweather.stephanie: temperaturestonight they are going to stayset means 50.we receive this air much moretemperate from the south aboutreceive the passage of this frontalido, we are going to receive afront fio, that’s why we’re going tohave a drastic change fromtemperatures. we stay inpartly cloudy that isclearing, because even though it comesrain at night, the day shinesvery pretty and mostlylate. the temperatures little tolittle reach 60.but then comes this frontthat will bring enough rainimportant temperatures.come a little to the east,we see tomorrow that duringthe city and the surroundings innight and morning hourswhat is when this is removedsystem, are wing temperaturesnice of which we areof the passage of this system. thehigh 60 and we’re barely inthe upper mids 40 for thefriday night skimmingalmost freezing point,we are left with good conditionsfias, we go back to what it isusual for this time ofyear in the media 50 and for the