who has taken allnecessary measures.♪adriana: let’s go back withguardians of time with jeúsope.let’s see when they startaffect the rains.jeús: as early as theTuesday morning sobring your umbrella beforeleaving home.47° temperature inManhattan, 41 Paraguay, 48for Monticello.the wind coming from thesouth continues to affect.look at the dastic change in thelast 24 hours.yesterday there was a lot of cold and todaytemperatures will rise.in the next few hours willneed an umbrella tomorrowin the morning and all day.we will have showersmake the wings intense from11:00 in the morning.We continue on Tuesday5:15, be very careful yesyou can check out one hour beforejob. the roads goto get congested.low pressure will affectmuch of the Jarin state.We continue under the influence ofrain. we have a briefrest, let’s seeaccumulated rain thatdoesn’t even reach the averagelet’s talk about the stormthat will affect us by ending theworkweek.is under developmenta lot can change. I knowkeep north,starts with snow, a turn ofsleet, ice and rain.the proóstico I bring more to thedetail and what it will do to usgive. february is the month with asssnow. this storm can us