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Stabilization with COVID-19 was noticed at Bankova Street

Photo: Press Service of the President of Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted the need to support businesses operating in the “red” zones

The total number of new patients remains at 152 thousand for two weeks in a row.

Ukraine has a difficult situation with the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. But the hospitalization rate is stabilizing in the country. This became known during a meeting with the participation of President Volodymyr Zelensky, informs his press office on Monday 8 November.

As Prime Minister Denis Shmigal reported, the trend towards an increase in the number of patients with COVID-19 continues: last week, at the peak of incidence, 27.3 thousand new cases per day were detected, and the total number of new patients remains at 152 thousand for two weeks in a row. human. However, according to the head of government, we can talk about some stabilization in terms of hospitalizations: 34.5 thousand last week and 34.3 thousand a week earlier.

Currently, 17 regions of Ukraine are in the red zone of epidemic danger. In the Kherson region, the dynamics are somewhat improving, which may allow the region to be one of the first to leave the red zone.

At the same time, it was stated that in Kiev, the trend of an increase in the number of patients with coronavirus continues. NSDC Secretary Alexei Danilov focused on the need to ensure a stable supply of oxygen to the capital’s hospitals.

Health Minister Viktor Lyashko reported to the President on the progress of vaccination of the population. According to him, a total of 11.5 million citizens have already been vaccinated in Ukraine, of which 8 million people – with two doses. But this weekend there was a decrease in the number of vaccinations carried out in a number of regions, including Zhitomir and Odessa. A check is being carried out and the reasons why individual vaccination points did not work in these regions are being investigated.

According to the head of the Ministry of Health, medical students are actively involved in work at vaccination points, and interns are also involved in working with hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

He also said that since September, the Ministry has analyzed the work of all covid hospitals, and noted that this week doctors will receive a 300% bonus for working with COVID-19 patients.

The minister also assured that there is no oxygen deficiency in medical institutions where patients with coronavirus are treated. Despite the high level of consumption, oxygen is delivered consistently to all hospitals.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted the need to support businesses operating in the “red” zones. The Ministry of Economy is preparing a corresponding bill and in the near future it will be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada.

Law enforcement agencies continue to combat falsification of PCR tests and vaccination certificates. Currently in Ukraine 1400 mobile groups of the National Police workwho check the availability of these documents in institutions that are massively visited by citizens: shopping and entertainment centers, cafes, restaurants and public transport. All facts of violations are recorded and have legal consequences.

We remind you that over the past day in Ukraine identified more than 13 thousand COVID cases… Most of all new patients are in Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev and Lvov regions.

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