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Staatsbosbeheer is allowed to catch Konik horses for slaughter

Staatsbosbeheer does nothing wrong when catching the Konik horses in the Oostvaardersplassen. The court in Utrecht ruled this today. Stichting Aanpak Abuse Natuurbeheer (Stamina) had a lawsuit cocked and demanded that the horses be released. The judge does not agree with this.

At the end of May, about 200 Konik horses walked themselves in a so-called catch meadow. Because there are still too many Konik horses in the nature reserve between Lelystad and Almere, the manager has decided that the horses will be culled. The intention is that the animals will be removed for slaughter next week.

According to Stamina, the trapping meadow is a trick by Staatsbosbeheer to circumvent the rules, because the game status of the konik horses would be unlawfully taken away when they walk into the trapping meadow.

Not forbidden

According to the judge, nothing illegal is happening, reports Broadcasting Flevoland. Konik horses are not on a list of protected animals in the Nature Conservation Act, according to the judge, and it is not prohibited to catch them.

“This is the choice of the legislator and the judge must adhere to it. Although the Oostvaardersplassen is a special nature reserve, that is no reason to say that the judge should offer protection to the Konik horse outside the legislature. The conclusion is that Staatsbosbeheer can catch konik horses for slaughter,” the judge ruled.

The preliminary relief judge was also asked to rule on the shooting of Heck cattle in the Oostvaardersplassen, from 1 August. A decision on this will be made in two weeks.

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