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St. Martin’s goose – recipe and traditions associated with this delicacy

The connection between St. Martin and the geese can be found in two legends. According to the first, the goose became a traditional St. Martin’s delicacy as punishment, because its sneezing disrupted the worship of St. Martina.

According to the second, St. Before his election as a bishop, Martin hid the geese in the goose, and they betrayed him with their sneeze.

Whatever it was, few today can imagine a festive table at St. Martin without this favorite delicacy.

Traditions and predictions

The portioning of the goose was always subject to the strict rules of who was to receive which portion. The lowest servant was given a wing to fly at work, the higher servant got a thigh, the landlord himself kept the rest. And goosebumps were also used. It was placed in the shoes under the feet so that they would not sweat, or between the toes so that the corns would not grow.

According to the goose, the women then predicted what the next weather period would be like. The decisive factor was the amount and distribution of subcutaneous fat on the goose’s body and then also the condition of its bones.

When the goose had more subcutaneous fat, then it was a tougher cold. The darker the goose’s sternum, the more muddy Christmas was supposed to be. Conversely, the lighter the more snow should fall.

The back of the bone was also important – if it was white, then there was snow in the mountains. On the contrary, when he was speckled, there were sleet.

St. Martin’s goose with caramelized onions

  • four-kilo goose
  • 2 teaspoons rosemary
  • 2 teaspoons of marjoram
  • 500 g apples and pears
  • salt
  • cumin to taste
On the onion
  • 1 kg of red onion
  • 100 ml of goose lard
  • 100 ml of red wine
  • 200 g of crystal sugar
  • 200 ml of dark balsamic vinegar
  • salt

  • Wash the goose thoroughly and then dry it.
  • We salt it thoroughly inside and out, sprinkle it with cumin and rub it with dried herbs.
  • Insert two whole apples or pears into the goose’s carcass.
  • Put it in a baking dish with a lid and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • About two hours before roasting, remove the goose from the refrigerator and let it stand at room temperature. It is not good to put meat directly from the fridge into the oven.
  • Preheat the oven to 130 ° C and bake the goose covered for about 4-6 hours. We roast the goose with the breasts down and we are constantly dripping. About halfway through the roasting, we turn the goose on its back and bake it.
  • At the end of baking, uncover the cooking lid and add the remaining pears and diced apples to the baking dish and bake together.
  • Cut the red onion into caramelized onions. Let the sugar be caramelized to brown on the lard, add the onion, on which the caramel is immediately wrapped, and stir until the onion releases the water in which the caramel dissolves after a while.
  • Then pour wine and balsamic vinegar and let it boil. Add salt to taste.
  • Goose is served with potato dumplings, potato cones, lokshe are also suitable.

Tip: The longer we roast the goose at a low temperature, the more juicy it is after roasting and the meat goes beautifully off the bone. So if you have more time, roast the goose only at a temperature of 90 ° C, for 8-12 hours. To prevent it from drying out, many people dip it in lard before baking.

To the fruit, which we add under the goose, we can add, for example, prunes.

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