Home » today » World » St. Anargyri: In what high-profile case is the police officer involved who saw the femicide and did not react – Have they already started the cover-up? – 2024-04-02 19:43:24

St. Anargyri: In what high-profile case is the police officer involved who saw the femicide and did not react – Have they already started the cover-up? – 2024-04-02 19:43:24

Documentonews.gr brings to light serious information about the femicide in Agios Anargyros.

In particular, as everything shows, the attacker’s attack did not happen at a great distance from the Police station, as was initially implied, but right in front of the canopy of the purpose of the department, which did not react when he saw what was happening.

It is worth emphasizing that, based on the regulations, the area where the 28-year-old woman was murdered is considered a “vital area” of the Police Department, due to its proximity. The scene of the murder is clearly captured in a video released shortly after the murder, showing that the crime took place less than three meters away.

The documentonews.gr information also has a second level regarding the specific police officer who was on duty at that time.

Police officer I.M. it is disciplinary controlled with the question of disqualification as it purports to be involved in the Ayabefe affair with fake passports, on which Documento has published extensive reports.

It is also worth noting that the announcement by ELAS with … literary slurs avoids clarifying how close the heinous crime came to the purpose of the AT, with the photos from the scene causing, in addition to shock, anger at the inability of the police officer to prevent the murder that it happened before his eyes.

The huge failure of ELAS in another femicide cannot be concealed.

According to documentonews.gr, the complaint of the 28-year-old woman was made in front of three female police officers, specifically the commander (she had already retired but due to her non-replacement, continued to serve), the service officer, and a police officer who acted as the commander’s driver . So while one would expect there to be greater sensitivity to the danger the young woman was in, the ELAS set up by Michalis Chrysochoidis has turned indifference into a “protocol”. It is indicative of the fact that the 28-year-old left the police station in order to call Immediate Action herself to request a patrol car to take her home, since the Agios Anargyro Police Station did not have a patrol car, but did not even go into the process of requesting a patrol car from Direct Action with internal communication between services.

This is the fifth femicide in 2024 and the third that takes place after the victim informed the authorities. Similar incidents, without of course having happened almost inside the police department, have happened again on December 23 in Salamina, in Dafni and in Pelion in 2021.

Answers are now required regarding the criminal incompetence of the police station guard who saw the murder unfold in front of him without reacting and preventing it.

Eyewitness: “No one reacted”

An eyewitness at the time of the femicide in Agioi Anargyros was getting off the bus according to what he reported.

“I was getting off the bus and I heard the girl shouting ‘I’m receiving threats on my life, he’s trying to kill me.’ Suddenly I saw a man running on a motorbike. The man who was on the motorbike chasing the girl for 100 meters was shouting I will kill you” he said.

According to what he reported, the attacker managed to reach her with the motorbike and stabbed her repeatedly. Regarding the police officer who was at the police station at that time, the eyewitness maintains that he did not leave the police station, while he stated that: “No one reacted.”

It is recalled that a prosecutor’s investigation has been ordered into the attitude of the police officers of the AT Agios Anargyroi by the Athens District Attorney’s Office, after the transmission of the case file formed for the murder of the 28-year-old by her 39-year-old ex-partner on Monday night.

Through the investigation, it will be examined whether the police officers committed the offense of dereliction of duty, with the Prosecutor awaiting the conclusion of the EDE ordered on Tuesday morning.

See also:

Agioi Anargyri: Right in front from the viewpoint of A.T. the 28-year-old was murdered (Hard images)

Femicide – Agioi Anargyri: A state in inactivity and “asleep”

#Anargyri #highprofile #case #police #officer #involved #femicide #react #started #coverup

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