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SSPC maintains current safety standards for children’s rooms

Mexico City. The Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) reported that the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) remains in force, which establishes the obligation of all children’s homes to have civil protection plans and comply with all safety regulations to avoid or mitigate risks. risks caused by a natural or human disaster.

Through the Official Gazette of the Federation, the institution directed by Rosa Icela Rodríguez indicated that NOM-009-SEGOB-2015 remains in force, issued on July 5, 2018, which establishes “the security measures in matters of civil protection that are must be implemented in the buildings or facilities intended for the operation and operation of child care centers in the public, private and mixed modality, in order to ratify the criteria to standardize their design and development, with the purpose of eliminating discretionary practices in their application”.

In this Wednesday’s edition, the National Quality Infrastructure Commission announced that based on articles 18, sections I and XVIII, and 32, last paragraph of the Quality Infrastructure Law, it assesses and approves that NOM-009-SEGOB-2015, “Measures for prevention, prevention and risk mitigation in child care centers in public, private and mixed modality”, remains in force.

This official standard must be applied throughout the country, and is mandatory for the “owners, possessors and those responsible for the administration and operation of child care centers in the public, private and mixed modality, who must comply with the provisions of the laws. , applicable regulations and regulations.”

Among the points to be met is the obligation for all staff, “including teaching, support and maintenance staff, (who) must be trained in civil protection, first aid, fire prevention and fighting, evacuation, search and rescue according to the risks identified in its Internal Civil Protection Program.”

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– 2024-04-09 21:53:17

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