Baptiste Jacques Daniel Lormand, the businessman with dual nationality (French and Mexican) who was reported missing in Polanco, would have been murdered by people who sought to steal the high-end liquors that he sold, according to information from the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City (SSC-CdMx).
Mexico City, November 30 (However) .- Authorities of the Mexico City they arrested a person involved in the homicide of the French businessman Baptiste Jacques Daniel Lormand.
It was elements of the Secretariat of Citizen Security who found the subject in the Magdalena Contreras Mayor’s Office. “With this arrest the line of investigation previously presented at a press conference is confirmed. It will be reported later, ”said Omar García Harfuch on his Twitter account.
Baptiste Jacques Daniel Lormand, the businessman with dual nationality (French and Mexican) who was reported missing in Polanco, would have been murdered by people who sought to steal the high-end liquors that he sold, according to information from the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City (SSC-CdMx).
Polanco residents, friends and acquaintances of the Frenchman marched today to protest the crime. The demonstration began in the Archimedes Glorieta.
The protesters dressed in white and carried flowers and cards with slogans to demand justice.
The march concluded at the Surtidora Don Bátiz restaurant, on Calle Julio Verne, in Polanco, the business of the murdered man, according to the newspaper Reform.
“On November 27, the person who goes by the name of Baptiste Jacques Daniel Lormand, 45, of dual nationality, French and Mexican, was reported by his spouse as missing or absent, saying that they saw him leave for the last time on November 26 when he left his home in Polanco, ”Secretary Omar García Harfuch described yesterday at a press conference.