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Ssa analyzes allocating J&J vaccine to tourist areas – Televisa News

Hugo López-Gatell, Undersecretary of Health, shared that the million doses of Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which will be donated by the United States to Mexico, could go to tourist areas of Quintana Roo and Baja California Sur, where there has been an increase in COVID cases.

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We recommend you: Mexico accumulates 228 thousand 362 deaths and 2 million 426 thousand 822 cases confirmed by COVID-19

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The foregoing was shared during his speech at the health conference held on Thursday, June 3, 2021, at the National Palace.

“Of the different additional vaccines that we are receiving, we have considered tourist areas of high economic dependence on tourism, the two most characteristic are, at this time, just in a phase of epidemic growth and are Quintana Roo and Baja California Sur”, commented the undersecretary.

Precisely this Thursday, authorities of the state of Quintana Roo, They launched an operation to stop the rebound in COVID-19 infections that affects its main destinations such as Cancun and Riviera Maya.

In addition, the official pointed out that there is another area of ​​enormous economic and social importance for the country which is the northern border, which divides Mexico and the United States.

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López Gatell recalled that the efficacy of the Janssen vaccine, according to published trials, “is 85% against serious forms of disease and 100% against death caused by COVID.

Regarding the possible arrival of the shipment to the country, the official said he did not know the specific date, but “it is a very close calendar” because immediately the diplomatic mechanisms and those of sanitary regulation will start working, in addition to those of the national policy of vaccination.

The Cofepris authorized Janssen’s vaccine against COVID-19 for emergency use on May 27 after certifying that it meets the quality, safety and efficacy requirements necessary to be applied.

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Even so, López Gatell warned that Mexico “has not made a decision on whether or not to buy the vaccine, with this donation things have changed, especially considering the usefulness of a single-dose vaccine and its logistical management.”

This Thursday, the Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, thanked the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, for sending a million anticovid vaccines from Janssen.

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The doses that Mexico will receive are part of the first 25 million vaccines that the United States announced this Thursday that it will share with different regions of the world, out of a total of 80 million biologicals.

According to US President Joe Biden, Mexico will receive these vaccines for being a “partner and neighbor.”

COVID in Mexico

Mexico added 216 new deaths from covid-19 in the last 24 hours, reaching a total of 228,362 deaths, in addition to 2,894 infections that bring confirmed cases to 2,426,822, reported this Thursday the Ministry of Health.

With these figures, Mexico ranks as the fourth country with the most deaths, behind the United States, Brazil and India, and the fifteenth in number of confirmed infections, according to the Johns Hopkins University count.

However, the real data are higher, since the Government itself recognized at the end of April in the updated report of “Excess Mortality in Mexico” that the deaths associated with COVID-19 are just over 332 thousand 500 after an analysis of death certificates.

Since the beginning of the health emergency, Mexico has studied 7.09 million patients, reported the director general of Epidemiology, José Luis Alomía, in a conference.

He indicated that the number of estimated cases is 2 million 611 thousand 679 when considering those that await the result of the test, among which there are 19 thousand 696 estimated active cases, that is, less than 1%, that have presented symptoms in the last 14 days.

In addition, it reported 1 million 934 thousand 541 people who are considered recovered after having suffered the disease.

It also reported that the average occupancy of general beds in Mexican hospitals is 13%, the same percentage as for intensive care beds with a respirator.

Hospital occupancy has decreased by 87% compared to the maximum peak reached in January, when hospitals in several cities, including the capital, were saturated.

With regard to deaths, Mexico City, the focus of the pandemic, accumulates 19.2% of all deaths nationwide, that is, almost one in every five deaths.

With information from the Ministry of Health and EFE



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