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SRT has adjusted the ticket reservation system 3 days before the departure date.

SRT has adjusted the ticket reservation system 3 days before the departure date. With 50% reduction in the number of seats to prevent COVID

Mr. Nirut Maneepun, Governor of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) Revealed that in order to increase efficiency and safety in the bus service And support passenger travel Under the epidemic situation of COVID-19 SRT would like to notify passengers to adjust the booking period for passengers from 30 days before departure to 3 days before departure. Along with selling tickets for 50% of the seats in all buses. According to temporary social spacing measures Starting from January 13, 2021 until there is a change.

Mr. Nirut continued that this was in compliance with the announcement of the Ministry of Transport. Regarding the ultimate prevention of COVID-19 in implementing social distance measures To adapt to management within the station And vehicles for all types of public transportation This must be at least 1-2 meters from other people, or at least one passenger seat distance and to be in line with the situation. Which at present there are many provinces, changing the regulations for traveling across provinces And entering the area

“From the current situation SRT needs to adjust the booking period in advance. And sell tickets for 50% of the seat in the bus In order to be efficient in bus management And consider the safety of passenger travel is important, “said Nirut.

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