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Sri Mulyani Talks About the Minister, Rizal Ramli: You Can Also Tell Pak Jokowi

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Ekonom senior Rizal Ramli | responding to Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani’s statement regarding the ministers in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet who only had experience in the seat of government. He suspected that the expression was related to President Joko Widodo or Jokowi. Sri Mulyani Talks About the Minister, Rizal

“It could also be him (Sri Mulyani) was ordered by Jokowi because he wanted to change his ministers. Maybe yes, I’m just talking about the possibility, “said Rizal in a virtual discussion with RMOL, Friday, August 21, 2020.

In addition, Rizal suspects that there are other possibilities that prompted Sri Mulyani to talk about the minister’s experience. He accused the Minister of Finance of acting as someone who knew better. “There is a possibility that Sri Mulyani was acting good,” he said.

Sri Mulyani in a discussion with the Jakarta Post some time ago said there were a number of ministers who had just served in Cabinet seats and had never previously worked in the government. He hopes that the ministers will already know about the bureaucracy, budget documents and other policies.

According to Rizal, Sri Mulyani should have had the responsibility to other ministers to explain the related procedures budget. He also stated that Sri Mulyani should have made this statement six months ago when a new pandemic occurred in Indonesia.

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