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Sri Lankans are horrified to learn from the internet before killing women in Tangerang


A foreign national (foreigner) of Sri Lanka, RSH, was one of the authors homocide women with butterfly tattoos in Tangerang. Horrified, RSH had learned how to trap someone to death from the Internet.

Kapolres Metro Tangerang City Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said that this was known from the results of checking Internet browsing history. RSH conducted the research on 4 December 2022.

“On December 4, 2022, (the authors) sought information or learned how to trap people to death and how people dispose of bodies. This is from the results of a digital forensic examination through Internet browsing history,” he said Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho at a press conference, on Friday (30/12/2022).

Zain said the perpetrator learned how to commit murder before meeting the victim, with the initials ES (49). He didn’t stop there, the authors also searched the internet for information on how to kill, including how long a corpse could stay underwater.

“Then (he also researches) how to get rid of the dead bodies, especially how long a human body can stand in the water. So he does this research, he commits the murder, including how to get rid of the victim. And he does it himself,” he said Backpack.

Meet the victims after learning how to kill on the Internet

Police said that after learning how to kill from the Internet, RSH met the victim in Grand Pinang Senayan, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang. At the time, RSH pretended to buy the victim’s house.

“The killing was carried out around 11.00 WIB until about 14.00 WIB. Then after the victim was killed, she was wrapped up, then put in the car. Wrapped up, all tied up, put in the car,” he said.

Main actors

SRH is listed as the lead actor. This is because SRH killed and dumped ES’ body in the Cisadane River.

“First SRH, a foreigner from Sri Lanka, according to the photo shown to us. This is the main perpetrator of premeditated murder,” said Kombes Zain Dwi.

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See also video: New President of Sri Lanka is inaugurated, Demonstration Command Post is immediately dismantled

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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