The celebration of 45 years of Srefidensi has been budgeted at SRD 875,000. SRD 700,000 of this amount is intended for activities on Independence Square. The remainder will be used, among other things, to support an educational activity. To raise this amount, donations have been requested from approximately 25 companies, which have already pledged a contribution.
Shortly after the Independence Day celebration, the financial statements will be presented. The chairman of the Commemoration Committee for 45 years of Srefidensi, Pertab Goerdayal, recently shared this information during a press conference.
Vice-chairman of the committee, Maurits Hassankhan, indicated that in connection with the bigi yari of Suriname, attention is also paid to training and education. With the cooperation of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, it has been decided to have the subject of Independence dealt with in the regular program of the various school levels. Teaching letters will be developed. Another activity is to hold essay competitions, in which other people can participate in addition to students. The best essays are eligible for a prize.
Ramdien Sardjoe, adviser to the committee, looked back briefly on the past 45 years. He spoke about the highlights that the Republic of Suriname has known. He also expressed his recognition to everyone who has worked to uphold the honor of the country in recent years.
Suriname is special in the world because of its diversity, unity and togetherness. He also looked back with satisfaction at the freedoms that citizens enjoy in the country. Suriname’s accession to the United Nations is also an important step in the development of the country.
Custom celebration
Although there are challenges such as the COVID-19 event, the government will celebrate the commemoration of 45 years of Srefidensi in a modified way. For example, on the big day, the early morning 21 minute shots will occur. After this time, an extraordinary public meeting of The National Assembly will be held at around 10:00 AM. This meeting will take place in Independence Square, Goerdayal said.
The meeting lasts until 12:00, after which the parade of the armed forces will take place. On that day there is also a parade of various cultural groups. The organization hopes to have completed the part of the parade by 13:45. The third activity on November 25 is the part of receiving the congratulations linked to a reception. The formal activities must be completed around half past three.
Chairman Goerdayal emphasized that everything will look different, because the COVID-19 rules must be observed. In view of the above, the layout of the large tent on Independence Square will be different. During the press meeting, an explanation was given about how the organization wants to implement crowd control.
In addition to the activities on 25 November, the ministries were asked to carry out cultural, educational and social activities with their own budget or donations from outside. The district commissioners were also asked not to let the day pass unnoticed, but to do self-supporting and thus raise funds.