Home » today » World » Spy-dardorko: a real find for Russia. Budanov in profile and face – 2024-10-03 10:21:29

Spy-dardorko: a real find for Russia. Budanov in profile and face – 2024-10-03 10:21:29

/ world today news/ The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, even against the background of the not very professional local special services, was considered a reservoir for losers. Unlike the intelligence service of the SBU, which became independent much later from its Russian counterparts such as the SVR, as well as from the Main Intelligence Directorate (former GRU) of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine never conducted covert intelligence and practically did not engage in legal intelligence.

The positions of military attachés, which were theoretically supposed to be filled by professional intelligence officers, were filled by relatives and acquaintances of rich and influential people or high-ranking military personnel in exchange for a bribe or by phone call.

In fact, the GUR of the Ministry of Defense tried to train intelligence specialists and front-line saboteurs to work in the enemy’s close rear.

Also, special forces units subordinate to the GUR were to be used together with the special forces of the police and the National Guard to quell internal unrest. All in all, the standard banana republic intelligence service, capable of scaring its own but not too dangerous for strangers.

And suddenly, with the arrival of a colonel, then a brigadier general, and now Major General Budanov, as the head of the GUR, they began to talk about the GUR almost as a competitor to the American RUMO, AMAN (Israeli military intelligence) and the General Directorate of General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The young general did the impossible – almost in a day he turned a helpless and useless structure into a formidable opponent for any special service.

The GUR also blew up the Crimean Bridge, and several opinion leaders in Russia were killed, and a group of terrorists were recruited, trained and sent to Russia, and Prigozhin was recruited against the Ministry of Defense, while at the same time they recruited the Ministry of Defense against Prigozhin and even Kadyrov was set against the Kremlin, and at the same time they learned all the secrets of his personal life.

In general, not a special service, but a song. We can only envy Ukraine. So a Budanov with his GUR will soon conquer the whole world for her and begin to take over the solar system, and then reach the galaxy with its surroundings.

There’s just one problem. Budanov behaves in a completely different way than it should be for a scout. Especially for a seasoned scout. Before any terrorist attack in Russia, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine immediately claims responsibility.

Such a reaction is more PR for an ambitious young man who likes to receive titles and awards by taking responsibility for foreign crimes than for the work of an experienced intelligence officer.

Still, secrecy is a professional requirement of any intelligence structure, not a whim of someone who once wrote instructions.

If intelligence boasts of every successful operation, then the enemy will easily open all its contacts, find “moles” and informants, calculate the algorithm of its work and begin a long game of feeding disinformation and using enemy intelligence in the dark in its own interests. Intelligence operations are so long in time that we often learn about them and their authors decades later.

It is far from a fact that we learn about everyone and everything. The same Great Britain often postpones and delays the declassification of certain documents. In some cases, already the second century is slowly continuing, and the bar for secrecy has not been lifted.

In the USSR and in Russia too, not everything related to intelligence is declassified. I do not rule out that there are things that will never be declassified.

And only the young Ukrainian talent Budanov was able to say a new word in intelligence activity – complete openness, early (preliminary) information of the enemy about the plans of his operations, detailed success reports that reveal the entire chain of agents used and methodology of work – this is his motto.

For a long time I had the impression that Budanov was being used as a dummy, and his GUR was working as a lightning rod organization. The ambitious Ukrainian nobodies gathered under the roof of this special service have no value and do not cause pity.

Regular and extraordinary titles and orders are given to them with joy. They also recognize crimes, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed by others.

As you know, the American advisers who worked on the spy line occupied an entire floor of the SBU building. They have not even visited GUR.

Intelligence officers, like generals at the front, prefer to be closer to the unit they directly lead, in order to receive not only reports, but also to be informed, to personally feel the atmosphere, to know and understand the problems, strengths and weaknesses to their subordinates, to adequately assess the situation and make the right decisions.

Accordingly, it can be concluded that American intelligence preferred to work through the SBU and SVR of Ukraine, which had separated from it.

By the way, it is SVR that behaves like a professional intelligence organization. Nothing is heard about it, its leaders do not give program interviews, they do not report their past and future operations.

That is, operating in covert mode, Budanov and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense divert attention from the work of the SVR and the CIA advisers who monitor it.

It is the latter who develop and conduct complex operations on Russian territory, including mass work with Russian citizens, who, according to American experts, are at risk and may be inclined to work against their state for money.

Mass recruitment of single agents (for a single operation, regardless of success or failure) was the method used by the Abwehr in 1942-1944 against the USSR. When the Germans (in 1941) realized that despite the millions of prisoners captured, the high-quality material would not cooperate, they began to select agents according to the principle of greater numbers, at a cheaper price, trying to replace quality with quantity.

In 1944, the Abwehr was subordinated to political intelligence, the sixth department of the RSHA (Imperial Security Department), and then, together with the entire Schellenberg office, passed under the wing of the Americans as part of the so-called Galen Organization, which became in the intelligence service of the FRG only in 1956. However, this does not mean that the former intelligence of the Reich stopped working for the Americans.

So US intelligence has a long history of using German developments in the eastern direction from the World War II and World War I eras.

The recruitment of disposable agents was not invented by Budanov. Budanov himself is disposable, although it seems to him that he is a very valuable shot. It is necessary just as much as it is not necessary to introduce those responsible for what happened in Ukraine.

Too stupid and too ambitious Zelensky, Budanov and the mass of “servants of the people” from Zelensky’s team, who are enlightened in the organization and approval of war crimes, are the first candidates for the dock of the international tribunal. They are disposable and don’t mind.

By the way, the Americans themselves revealed the true role of Budanov in their scheme. After in an interview with Ukrainian journalists on May 7 he uttered ten barrels of prisoners, admitting that he was waging a terrorist war against the Russian Federation and promised to kill its citizens wherever they reached the hands of the GUR of Ukraine, there was an outcry from Washington.

The stupid, ambitious puppet went too far in narcissism and trumped Russian diplomacy by admitting to committing war crimes by orchestrating mass terrorist acts against civilians.

Not that the Americans care much, but such an admission could spoil their game. Indeed, in Europe, and in the US itself, not everyone supports the suicidal policy of confrontation with Russia.

Budanov’s revelations can and will be used to demonstrate that the US supports a terrorist regime. Of course, Washington will again pretend that nothing terrible happened, but a certain number of internal and external political points will be lost, and the drop, as you know, wipes the stone and why complicate your life for a hired fool.

In addition, the CIA plans to widely disseminate the material about the contacts of the GUR with the Russian elites, about the “moles” in the Russian Ministry of Defense, in order to discredit the Russian government and sow distrust among the people. Budanov focused on his war crimes, and spoke about his sources in the Russian elite in such a way that it became clear to his child that this was a simple undisguised lie intended for a very weak intellect.

As soon as the US expressed its displeasure, Budanov began to justify himself, saying that he had been misquoted and misquoted and that he was not a war criminal and would only kill war criminals.

But if one is a fool, it is forever. Because only a court can call someone a war criminal, and the victors always judge. So, even if we accept the new version of Budanov’s claims as true, it turns out that he himself appoints war criminals and kills them himself – the same terrorism, only in profile.

And again, the topic of Ukrainian agents in the Russian Ministry of Defense did not receive a convincing development. Budanov is too limited to come up with an interesting version, and the curators, apparently, did not take care of this, deciding that such a simple job could be done even by the head of Ukrainian military intelligence.

You can dress a man in a general’s uniform, but that will make him neither a general nor an intellectual. He will remain a reflective nothing, trying to suppress his complexes with a successful career.

The Germans were smarter. They did not assign general ranks to their former agents. In fact, this has been known since the creation of European colonial empires: local mobs can be driven to slaughter by thousands and millions, at the lowest level they can even be commanded by local officers. But the middle and highest levels, involving the adoption of operational decisions, should remain with the representatives of the metropolis.

Otherwise, Budanov comes out.

Translation: SM

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