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Sputnik V vaccines: Giammattei and Brolo suggested to the Russians; minister signed contract

President Alejandro Giammattei and Foreign Minister Pedro Brolo presented the Minister of Health, Amelia Flores, the option of acquiring Sputnik V. Photo La Hora

The first and so far only direct purchase of vaccines outside the mechanism of the Global Access Fund for Covid-19 Vaccines (COVAX), which the administration of President Alejandro Giammattei has managed to carry out are Sputnik V. It promised to acquire 16 million with the Russians, has already paid 8 million and has received only 150 thousand, amid questions and constant delays.

But who suggested betting on the purchase of almost all the vaccines that the country needs to cover the National Vaccination Plan from a single provider? The answer is the president himself and Foreign Minister Pedro Brolo, according to La Hora.

A source close to the Executive, who asked not to be cited due to the sensitivity of the matter, assured this medium that the purchase of the Sputnik V vaccines, through the Direct Investment Fund of Russia (RDIF, for its acronym in English), was suggested by President Alejandro Giammattei and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pedro Brolo.

“The Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance was inclined to acquire them with Johnson & Johnson, because it is a prestigious company, because the refrigeration they need is viable and it is not necessary to administer two doses, but only one,” added the source who did not He is authorized to make statements regarding the matter.


The Ministry of Health had three options to make the purchase of the drug: Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna, but since the country did not have legislation that would allow them to make purchases directly with the manufacturers, the portfolio chose to seek a legal solution , since a compensation agreement was needed, but the lawyers for the Presidency, mainly from the Attorney General’s Office, were blunt in indicating that Giammattei would not sign it, the source explained.

In addition, the President asked Salud for a waiting period, since he did not agree with the approval of legislation of this type; While the portfolio “waited”, Giammattei and Brolo presented to the Minister of Health, Amelia Flores, “the option” to buy the Sputnik V vaccines, through the Russian Fund, the source explained to La Hora.

The conversations with the Russian Fund were already advanced when Giammattei and Brolo told Flores that the Russian vaccine was “a good option”, finally the contract for the Sputnik V was signed by the Minister of Health, therefore, both the president and the chancellor makes only the portfolio responsible for such a purchase, indicated the source consulted.

So far, “the good option” of Giammattei and Brolo has not complied with the delivery of the vaccines, they have only sent 150 thousand doses of the 16 million, of which the government has already paid Q614.5 million -50% of the Total purchase-. They have also not been able to provide a delivery schedule.

While the Government, Brolo and the Russian Embassy in Guatemala have highlighted in recent days an upcoming shipment of 400 thousand doses of Sputnik V, but without specifying when they will arrive.

So far, only three batches with 50,000 doses each of Sputnik V have arrived in the country.
Photo La Hora / MSPAS


During a meeting with the heads of the congressional block, which took place this Wednesday, the minister confirmed that it was Foreign Minister Brolo who sent her the contract with the Russians for the purchase of the Sputnik V vaccine.

“I received the contract from the Ministry of Foreign Relations, that is, it was forwarded from that part. I did not receive it directly from the Russian Fund, “said Flores.

The day before, in a summons with the National Unit of Hope bench, Brolo said he was unaware of the contract for the acquisition of the Sputnik V vaccines.


On April 5, the Giammattei government announced the payment of 50% of the purchase of Sputnik V vaccines, more than two months later, on June 23, the president sent to the Congress of the Republic the initiative Law of Exemption from Liability and Creation of the Compensation Mechanism for the use of Vaccines Against Covid-19 that have authorization for emergency use due to the Sars CoV-2 virus pandemic.

The proposal presented by the president was made because the United States government offered to donate 1.5 million Moderna vaccines, but to make it effective Guatemala had to have adequate legislation, derived from the manufacturers’ policies: The State must be responsible for possible effects secondary effects caused by immunizers.

In addition, the Presidency handed it over to Congress after different sectors demanded it and neighboring countries, such as Honduras, received the help of the United States, before Guatemala.

After the deputies enjoyed the long weekend, for the Army Day holiday, and discussions outside the hemicycle, in the early hours of Thursday they approved the aforementioned regulation as a national emergency, with amendments, even expressing annoyance over the requirements of the pharmaceutical companies, such as the president of Congress, Allan Rodríguez, who declared that they were asking for a lot.

At the same time, deputies from various benches have demanded the resignation or dismissal of Flores, considering her as the main responsible for what happened with Sputnik V or for not previously presenting the compensation regulations.


The Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency was asked why Giammattei refused to present the decree of responsibility to Congress when the portfolio raised that option, but they denied that the president was one of those who suggested to Health to buy the Russians the anticovid vaccines ; In addition, they added that everything related to these purchases is the exclusive competence of Health.

“This information is absolutely false. The negotiation of the purchase of vaccines is the exclusive competence of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance. All legal details and specific requirements have been managed exclusively by the Superior Office of the MSPAS, out of respect for the confidentiality agreements that are signed, “said Patricia Letona, head of the SCSP.

Presidency indicated that everything related to these purchases is the exclusive competence of Health. Photo: Presidency


Due to this situation, an attempt was made to obtain a position from the Chancellor through a phone call and WhatsApp chat, but he did not respond. Minex spokeswoman Vicky Castillo was also called, but she did not answer the call or the WhatsApp chat that was sent to her.

In addition, a position was requested from Social Communication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, although they said that they would make the arrangements for the request for information, at the end of this note no response was obtained.


On this issue, an attempt was made to obtain a position from the Minister of Health, Amelia Flores, but it was not possible. The portfolio spokesman, Carlos Morales, said that he would manage the request for information, at the end of this note no response was obtained.


This Thursday, in the report published by La Hora: “If Russia does not send 1 million vaccines in July, the money will be requested”, describes a memo to which La Hora had access that establishes the red line that the Government has marked in the issue of Russia and the failure to deliver the Sputnik V vaccines, which indicates that, if Guatemala has not received a million doses of the drug in July, Salud will request a refund of the money.

Foreign Minister Pedro Brolo, along with his counterpart, Sergei Lavrov during his visit to Russia to address the issue of Sputnik V vaccines. Photo: La Hora / @ PedroBroloGT

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