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Spring Alert: Accidents are on the Rise. Here’s How to Avoid Them – Act Now!


Safety along our roads is put to the test every day by a long series of causes: in this spring phase, however, there is one that dominates the scene. What is it about?

I road accidents they are and always will be a problem, and a drama, to deal with on a daily basis: prevent them with the correct behaviors it’s the first thing to do. At every stage of the year.

In primavera, a season that many welcome due to the rebirth of nature and the climate improvement, actually dangerous conditions they do not decrease. On the contrary.

What changes is the factor – or factors – that affect numbers and statistics differently and, unfortunately, the raw daily reality of the many accidents to which yes assist. That is to say?

There is a main reason why i sinister on the street, in primavera, they show no signs of declining: a first ’cause’ which then drags along others: this is what we are talking about.

Spring, accidents happen for this

What are the reasons so they make more accidents in primavera and, once discovered, how to avoid them as much as possible? Let’s take a closer look at everything.


It is well known that spring is the part of the year in which nature blossoms, but so do the allergies, The sneezing, the mid-season influences and the difficulties associated with climate transition.

The climate is improving, of course, but we begin to sneeze much, much more: because of the pollen and the seasonal change, with a real boom of allergic cases. And when it happens in the car, it’s trouble.

It has been estimated that the sneezing in cars are the main cause of road accidents at this stage of the year because, if continuous or unstoppableinevitably distract from driving.

Sneezing and allergies: Accidents happen. How to avoid them

Several associations, such as the Automobile Club, Federasma and the Society of Family Doctors (Simg) have launched a promotional campaign e you awareness in this sense.


Is titled “Driving (with) the allergy», and aims to help everyone to drive safely. Brochures will be distributed, provided directions and advice given to overcome the problem.

It is a real one Decalogue to fight the pollen and avoid falling into the trap from this point of view. Limit the dangers, avoid the greatest risks. But how?

In many cases, a tea is recommended for subjects with established syndromespharmacological rattamentoor which, of course, does not affect the patient’s ldriving efficiency and effectiveness.

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