There are 24 trees ready to be planted in Spresiano and Maserada: how many in one and how many in the other municipality will be determined by the result of the mini-basketball “eagles” match which will be played on Sunday 24 November, at 5pm, at the sports hall in Spresian.
The initiative is organized by Basket Spresiano and Legambiente Treviso in collaboration with Legambiente Piavenire and the two Municipalities, and in addition to having the support of the Italian Basketball Federation, it is part of Legambiente’s national “Tree Festival” campaign. The new plants are generously donated by Bardin Garden Store and the first three will be planted after Sunday’s game. It will be the Spresiano and Maserada minibasket eagles who will decide how many of the 24 trees will be planted in one municipality and how many in the other. These young athletes aged 9 and 10 will certainly give their all in the field to ensure that their municipality is awarded as many plants as possible, according to a precise scoring system. In fact, six periods will be played, assigning three points for each period won, one for each period lost and two for each period drawn; the result will give the number of plants “won” for each municipality. The first three will be planted on Sunday itself, following the match – approximately at 6.30pm – in a flowerbed dedicated to the Spresiano gym; the others, both in Spresiano and Maserada, will probably be fruit trees and will be placed once the suitable place has been established based on the number reached.
Tree party
This is a historic Legambiente campaign, this year in its 29th edition, carried out in conjunction with National Tree Day on 21 November. From 21 to 24 November 2024, more than 250 events are planned, organized by the Legambiente clubs and schools together with 13 thousand students in 15 Italian regions, for the planting of 5 thousand trees which will contribute to achieving the objectives of the European Life Terra project, of of which Legambiente is a partner.
The comment
«The collaboration between our associations has continued for more than a year and we are happy to have created a new initiative in the name of the common good – explain the organizers -. Sport acts as a glue within the community and this time its values will be put at the service of our territories, which we want to be increasingly green and as free from air pollution as possible. In fact, trees are extremely precious for our health, not only physical but also psychological: it is one of the most neglected “nature based solutions”, yet it represents the most effective opportunity to improve public health and well-being in our cities. We thank the two administrations for the sportsmanship shown and Bardin Garden Store for its generous donation.”