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Spotting Venus, Mars, and Regulus Together: A Spectacular Celestial Trio on July 9 and 10, 2023

Venus, Mars, and Regulus will form a stunning trio in the night sky in early July. Venus, the brightest point of light in the night sky, will be setting in the west less than two hours after sunset. As you look towards the fading colors of sunset, Venus will be the first light you see. It shines at magnitude -4.7 in the first half of the month, making it the closest planet to Earth.

On July 9, 2023, if you wait for the sky to darken further, you’ll be able to spot two points of light quite close together and above Venus. The slightly brighter and whiter light is Regulus, the brightest star in Leo the Lion, and next to it is reddish Mars. These two worlds will appear a bit more than a moon-width apart on both July 9 and 10.

On the evening of July 9, bright Venus will lie below the much fainter Mars and Regulus. The trio will fit within a 5-degree field, and Mars and Regulus will get as close as 0.7 degrees apart, a little more than the width of a full moon. They will still be very close on July 10 as well.

To get a better look at this trio, try focusing on them with a pair of binoculars. Through binoculars, you may be able to see the crescent phase of Venus. Look for the white and red points of light close together in the same field of view, which are Regulus and Mars, respectively.

Mars should appear as a steady light, while Regulus might twinkle. This is because Mars is closer to Earth, while Regulus is quite far away, appearing as nothing more than a pinprick of light in our sky. The undulating atmosphere of Earth can make the point of Regulus jump around, while Mars stays steady.

On July 9, Mars will pass 0.7 degrees, a little more than a moon-width, from Regulus during the night. They will still be close on July 10 as well. Start looking about 30-45 minutes after sunset.

If you manage to capture a great photo of this event, you can submit it to EarthSky Community Photos.

In conclusion, don’t miss the opportunity to see Venus, Mars, and Regulus close together on July 9 and 10. Use binoculars to get a better view of the dimmer objects, which will be a little more than a moon-width apart.
detail photograph

What celestial objects will be part of the captivating trio that will light up the night sky in early July?

L be a prominent celestial presence, outshining any nearby stars as it prepares to bid farewell for the night.

Accompanying Venus will be Mars, the red planet, and Regulus, one of the brightest stars in the Leo constellation. Together, they will create a captivating trio that is sure to capture the attention of stargazers.

During early July, as darkness descends and the sky transitions into a beautiful canvas of deep blues and purples, this celestial display will unfold. Venus, with its dazzling brilliance, will be positioned towards the west, gradually making its descent after sunset.

As you gaze towards the horizon, the mesmerizing sight of Venus will be accompanied by the distinct reddish hue of Mars. The two planets, seemingly close in proximity, will add an extra touch of wonder to the night sky.

Completing this celestial trio is Regulus, also known as the “Heart of the Lion.” As one of the brightest stars in the Leo constellation, Regulus will contribute its own radiant glow to the spectacle.

Together, these three celestial objects will synchronize their positions to create a breathtaking scene. The contrasting brilliance of Venus, the vibrant reddish hue of Mars, and the shimmering radiance of Regulus will converge, forming a captivating trio that will leave stargazers in awe.

Whether you are an avid astronomer or simply a lover of the night sky, don’t miss this opportunity to witness such a stunning celestial alignment. Early July will present a rare and captivating sight that will showcase the beauty and grandeur of our universe. Mark your calendars and make sure to find a secluded spot away from city lights for the best view.

2 thoughts on “Spotting Venus, Mars, and Regulus Together: A Spectacular Celestial Trio on July 9 and 10, 2023”

  1. What a breathtaking celestial sight! Don’t miss the opportunity to witness Venus, Mars, and Regulus shining in harmony on July 9 and 10, 2023. A truly spectacular trio that promises to captivate stargazers worldwide.

  2. What a magnificent celestial display! Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the breathtaking alignment of Venus, Mars, and Regulus on July 9 and 10, 2023. A truly celestial trio worth stargazers’ attention!”


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