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Spotify: Using voice control – how to use the most important commands

SPOTIFY August 2, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.

Using the Spotify app via voice control is a practical feature. It works even though Spotify doesn’t have its own voice assistant. We’ll show you what we mean by that.

You can operate Spotify with voice commands, but not in the way you might think. (Source: Montage and image source: Netzwelt / Logo source: Spotify)

Nowadays, many people use a voice assistant in their everyday lives. The advantages of communicating via voice are practical in many ways. Spotify can also be used via voice assistants and can be set up on your smartphone in just a few steps. But this is where it gets complicated.

  1. You can use these voice assistants with Spotify

  2. These are the most important commands for Spotify

  3. The advantages and disadvantages of voice control

  4. Should you use a voice assistant for Spotify?

You can use these voice assistants with Spotify

Depending on the hardware, you use a specific voice assistant in everyday life. Fortunately, you can connect Spotify to an external voice assistant of your choice. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an Apple, Android or Google user. Spotify itself does not have an integrated voice assistant.

Both Siri and Google Assistant can be connected to Spotify, depending on what you use. This can be done via your smartphone settings (for iPhone/iPad) and via the Google Home app (for Google and Android). But that’s not all.

You also have the option of connecting and using Spotify with Alexa devices. The connection is made via the Alexa app and can be found in the Alexa settings. The Alexa voice assistant is primarily – unlike Siri and Google Assistant – a smart home solution.

Microsoft does not currently offer a voice assistant in conjunction with Spotify (as of July 2024). The company had its own voice assistant called “Cortana”, but it was discontinued at the end of 2023.

These are the most important commands for Spotify

There are a number of voice commands that can help you in everyday life. This also applies to using Spotify. Regardless of the voice assistant, they are structured in the same way. Here is an example of the structure of the voice commands:

  • “Hey Siri” / “OK Google” / “Alexa”…
  • … “play my workout playlist”…
  • … “on Spotify.”

In the first step, you speak to the respective voice assistant. In the second step, you formulate the voice command and in the third step, you name the app that should be used to execute it. There are various voice commands for the second step; here is a list of the most important ones:

  • … “open Spotify”
  • … “play my workout playlist”
  • … “skip that Song”
  • … “play the song again”
  • … “Like the song”
  • … “play the podcast The Rest Is Football”
  • … “play the next song in the queue”

In context, this would look like this for Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa:

  • “Hey Siri, play the playlist ‘New Music Friday’ on Spotify.”
  • “OK Google, play the song again on Spotify.”
  • “Alexa, increase the volume on Spotify.”

All three voice assistants generally carry out commands very precisely and reliably. However, there can sometimes be problems with understanding. It is particularly useful for you if you don’t have your smartphone to hand or if you use a speaker like the Echo Dot in your home.

Does Spotify offer its own voice assistant?

In April 2021, Spotify released its own voice assistant called “Hey Spotify” in the USA. At first, only a few users were able to use the voice assistant. However, the Hey Spotify function was never introduced globally. A new edition is currently not planned (as of July 2024).

The advantages and disadvantages of voice control

Whether it’s Siri, Google Assistant or Alexa, using a voice assistant for Spotify offers practical advantages. However, there are also a few disadvantages and additional concerns.

The biggest advantage is that it simplifies your everyday life. This way you can increase your productivity and save valuable time in the long run. Once you have integrated the voice assistant into your everyday life, it is often difficult to imagine life without it.

If you often move around and have integrated Amazon Echo, the Alexa voice assistant is particularly useful. This means you can give Spotify instructions at any time, regardless of where you are.

For people with physical limitations, the voice assistant can be a practical feature and help you with important things. This also applies to using your smartphone and therefore also Spotify. This is especially the case with hand fractures.

There are few disadvantages in terms of handling. However, the respective voice assistant may occasionally struggle to understand you. This can be frustrating for you in the long run, but has improved significantly in recent years.

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There are concerns about data processing. Although all providers always emphasize that they handle your data carefully, it is often not entirely clear how it is used or even stored. In the past, there have even been accusations against Apple and Amazon that the voice assistants could listen in without being activated.

Should you use a voice assistant for Spotify?

Whether you should use a voice assistant or not depends on several factors. On the one hand, you should consider whether it will really make your everyday life more productive and whether you need it. On the other hand, you should consider in advance whether the data protection concerns are relevant to you or not.

Although these allegations have never been clearly confirmed, you should be aware that the allegations exist. If daily privacy and data protection are very important to you, you should consider integrating a voice assistant into your daily life.

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Spotify: Using voice control – how to use the most important commands

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