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Spotify Teams Up with OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI for Translating and Narrating Podcasts

Spotify joins forces with OpenAI and their ChatGPT artificial intelligence
She can translate podcasts in a few moments and speak them in a voice reminiscent of the original
Testing is currently underway on a limited number of podcasters

The popularity of podcasts is growing every year, and it is already a bit of an exaggeration to say that every second person has their own audio show. For now, it doesn’t look like podcasts are going to slow down, which is also the case with the popular streaming service Spotify. Some time ago, it began to put much more emphasis on audio programs within its application, and now it has decided to join forces with another popular trend – artificial intelligence.

Podcast in several languages ​​quickly and easily

Specifically, the Swedish company agreed to cooperate with OpenAI, which is behind the popular ChatGPT tool. AI should help podcasters expand their audience by translating their episodes into other languages, as well as narrating them directly in their own voice. In a short period of time, in addition to the original episode, various language mutations can arise, which will be appreciated especially by those who do not speak English.

Spotify has currently partnered with several podcasters who have their individual episodes translated into Spanish. In the coming weeks, the platform plans to extend support to French and German as well. Leading podcasters such as Dax Shepard, Monica Padman, Lex Fridman, Bill Simmons and Steven Bartlett have been selected for the pilot, with The Ringer’s The Rewatchables and an upcoming show by well-known comedian Trevor Noah also slated to join in the future.

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The basis of the translation is OpenAI’s Whisper voice transcription tool, which can transcribe English and translate other languages ​​into English. However, Spotify’s tool goes beyond speech-to-text conversion – the function translates the podcast into another language and reproduces it with a synthetic version of the podcaster’s own voice, so that listeners do not lose the correct intonation and emphasis on specific words or passages. But for the time being, there will most likely not be a massive expansion. OpenAI itself is restricting access to the new feature to limit concerns about potential privacy breaches.

Author of the article

Michael Chrobok

Mobile technology enthusiast, amateur photographer, casual athlete and urban cyclist. In his free time, he likes to travel, play a game, or immerse himself in the world of The Witcher or Star Trek.

2023-09-25 14:00:00
#Spotify #clone #podcasts #creates #translation #original

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