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Spotify is preparing a great subscription service for podcasts

Spotify will unveil its own podcast-related subscription service next week, according to the Wall Street Journal. The announcement comes just days after Apple announced it would launch its service next month.

Soon a podcast subscription service at Spotify

Apple go take 30% commission on revenue generated by podcasts. At least that will be the case for the first year. The commission will increase to 15% from the second year. It is the same with the other services of the group. But content creators might well prefer Spotify’s podcast subscription service. Indeed, the offer of the streaming service would be very advantageous: no costs, no commission. Additionally, creators could set the price they want to charge users, instead of choosing from the tiers set by Spotify.

It must be said that Spotify is relying more and more on podcasts. The service counted 450,000 in 2019. The platform now has 2.2 million. In addition, Spotify is on the verge of to overtake Apple in the United States in the number of people who listen to podcasts. A notable step when we know that Apple has dominated the market for a very long time.

Let’s wait until the week to find out all the details of Spotify on its podcast subscription service. In any case, it will be interesting to see if the absence of fees will remain in place “for life”. Because if this is the case, then the creators are the winners: they will receive 100% of the sum of the subscriptions, against 70% at Apple.

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