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Spot in the highlight of the film “Bohemian Rhapsody”. The social networks rise – Corriere.it

from Maria Volpe

The film aired on Wednesday 24th Bohemian Rhapsody for the 30th anniversary of Freddie Mercury’s death. The highlight was interrupted by the Man Man commercial

Great controversy on social media for an unwelcome advertising break. The film was broadcast on Rai1 on Wednesday evening Bohemian Rhapsody by Bryan Singer on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the death of Freddie Mercury (with 5,031,000 viewers equal to 24.3% of share, film that won the first evening). At the exact moment in which Mercury and Queen see the dream of their Bohemian Rhapsody take off, here is the advertising with the Man Man jingle of a well-known chain of electronics and appliances. Thus the innocent Angela Finocchiaro interrupted one of the most anticipated moments of an evening presented by Rai as an event. And tweets flocked: You don’t ruin an emotion this way; But how the hell they dare to put advertising during Bohemian Rhapsody?; How the hell do you dare? and so on.

The Man Man deadlift

In the offending sequence, Freddie Mercury in challenge to Emi brings the song Bohemian Rhapsody from DJ Kenny Everett who premieres it. The song starts and the film shows the reactions of the critics, first contrasting then gradually more and more enthusiastic. the beginning of the dream. But broken for by the Man Man advertising the famous Muppet song. When the ad space ends, the next sequence is the band’s big world tour.

That commercial at the opening ceremony of the Olympics

And then someone wondered: what is the criterion by which advertising cuts are chosen? It is a problem that has not been solved for years. There are the so-called mandatory spaces (commercials that must be broadcast in a certain block, at a certain time) that if they are understandable on commercial TV, they are a little less so on public TV. But for now there seems to be no solution. Among the slips of the past we remember that of 2008: at the opening ceremony of the Olympics, at the most beautiful, Rai took off to send the advertisement.


November 25, 2021 (change November 25, 2021 | 12:43)

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