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Sports poverty: “Funkygine” cheers after money decision

“Two days of the Femundløpet are over and I am left so full of impressions and experiences that it will take a few days to land!”, Jørgine “Funkygine” Massa Vasstrand (33) shared on Instagram recently.

Now she hopes that more children and young people will be able to experience the sport, after a recent decision in Norway’s Hundekjørerforbund has made it free to participate in races for children and young people.

FIVE-MUND RACE: Jørgine Massa Vasstrand Photo: Private /Instagram

– An incredibly good and not least important initiative! A larger and larger proportion of children and young people do not meet the minimum recommendation for physical activity and there should have been far more focus on arranging for this trend to reverse, says Jørgine Massa Vasstrand to TV 2.

Hope more will follow

Funkygine believes that reducing costs related to sports and leisure activities is a step in the right direction.

– In addition, organized leisure activities are an important arena for both coping and togetherness. I hope more people will be inspired by the Hundekjørerforbundet.

Frode Flathagen, who is president of the association, hopes that several small associations can be inspired to take action.

– We see that the strain on the family economy today is great and that this goes beyond general participation in Norwegian sports, says Flathagen.

In several cases, TV 2 has focused on the fact that parents have challenges paying for sports activities.

Consumer economist Silje Sandmæl has also spoken up to say that something needs to be done about the price level.

WILL RECRUIT MORE: Children and young people can test dog sledding through free races.  Photo: Ina Bolmstedt

WILL RECRUIT MORE: Children and young people can test dog sledding through free races. Photo: Ina Bolmstedt

– The training offers are mostly already free. The association considered that free participation in races is the factor that is the biggest financial barrier for us, says Flathagen.

The entry fee shall be free for participation in races for children and young people up to 19 years of age in the Nordic and bare ground disciplines, and the same applies up to 18 years of age in the sledge discipline.

Young people who participate in long-distance will also receive greatly reduced entry fees.

FREE: Will reduce the financial barrier for the youngest in the dog sledding sport.  Photo: Ina Bolmstedt

FREE: Will reduce the financial barrier for the youngest in the dog sledding sport. Photo: Ina Bolmstedt

Loses focus on own achievements

Jørgine Massa Vasstrand hopes this contributes to more children and young people opening their eyes to sport.

– Dog sledding does not only involve physical activity, but the focus on one’s own achievements is subordinated to the interaction with the dogs. I think that’s healthy.

INTERACTION: Funkygine with the dogs.  Photo: TV 2

INTERACTION: Funkygine with the dogs. Photo: TV 2

The fact that the sport is outdoors is an added bonus, believes the training profile.

– You gain valuable experience when it comes to weather, wind and nature. I think that children and young people enjoy being outside, which increases the general level of activity.

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