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Sports – OG and Tundra avoid second division in Dota Dreamleague – Sports

May 22, 2021, 9:11 p.m.

Sport:OG and Tundra avoid second division in Dota Dreamleague

OG can save itself from relegation, but the way to the Dota 2 World Cup (pictured) is still rocky for the team. Photo: Valve (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Cologne (dpa) – After a series of playoffs, Brame is next to Hellbear Smashers as the second team to be relegated from the first division of the Dreamleague Season 15. Tundra Esports and OG can get their seats in the Western European Dota Pro Circuit League.

In the first of the playoffs, OG was able to narrowly prevail against Brame. After that, however, the double world champions lost significantly to Tundra Esports. With a longer, but consistently one-sided game, Tundra Esports then sealed Brames’ relegation to the second division. The qualification for the Dota 2 World Championship “The International” via the Dota Pro Circuit has been out of the question for OG since the team finally missed the qualification for the major in Kiev on Wednesday. OG will now have to cheer on his Western European colleagues at the Major. Because the more Western European teams qualify directly for the World Cup with DPC points from Kiev, the less will OG compete for the only place in the region in the closed qualifying round.

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