Now the fight for the beach figure begins again. The Zenmove training concept combines tension with relaxation. And everything should be done in less than half an hour. does that work? Sports and nutritionist Torsten Albers classifies.
Torsten Albers, Do you know the Zenmove training concept?
Yes. I was introduced to Zenmove through one of my patients. He has been training with this method for some time.
When I heard the name “Zenmove” for the first time, I thought of “Gfühlsch mi”.
My first thought was: Two opposite things are connected here. Zen is meditation, Move is movement. It is therefore quite understandable that someone asks: How on earth is this supposed to fit together?
And does it match?
I think so. In any case, that’s exactly why the concept made me curious and I wanted to know more about how it works – so I did a trial training session.
How was it?
First of all, I should perhaps mention: I am an experienced strength athlete. I go to the gym five or six times. I was all the more surprised at how exhausting the slow Zenmove movements and maintaining body tension were for me.
Why was that?
Doing a workout with such slow movements and constant tension is unfamiliar to most people. That’s why I think it’s good that the Zenmove training takes place under supervision – especially for people who don’t have that much body awareness.
When it comes to stabilization exercises, it’s important to have a coach correct you if you’re not doing them correctly. And mistakes can always creep in – for example, if you want to help with an exercise with momentum.
Stefan Schwitter, founder of Zenmove, says: “You don’t have to spend two hours in the gym to stimulate your muscles. Instead, train smarter – and relax.” Is he right?
I totally agree. Anyone who wants to achieve clear improvements in strength and better body tension with little effort has found a good alternative in Zenmove.

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Zenmove seems to fit in well with our hectic times: Sweat for 12 minutes, meditate for 12 minutes – the workout is already over in less than half an hour.
If training is really important to you and you want to improve, you can always find time for it. But of course I know what you’re getting at.
And that’s why I think it can be a good method for people with a tight schedule – digging out half an hour once or twice a week is something everyone should be able to do. If not, I should consider whether my life really needs to slow down.
I want to get a six-pack as quickly as possible: is Zenmove the right training concept for this?
I always say: You can train as much as you want, without the right diet you can’t get those washboard abs. Basically everyone has a six pack. Many people simply hide it – under various pillows.
In order to get rid of these, I first have to lower my calorie intake by changing my diet. «Abs are made in the kitchen» say the Americans rightly.
Summer is just around the corner. Are two Zenmove workouts enough for the perfect beach figure?
As I said: I find it an exciting training concept, precisely because not only the body, but also the mind, the ability to switch off is trained. But for people who want to look their best at the beach this coming summer, Zenmove training alone may not be enough. Even more effort is needed.