Home » today » Sport » Sports journalist Paco Álvarez Moreira, known as the ‘Golden Voice of Ecuador’, passed away

Sports journalist Paco Álvarez Moreira, known as the ‘Golden Voice of Ecuador’, passed away

January 10, 2021 2:53 PM













He sports journalist Paco Álvarez Moreira died this Sunday, January 10, 2021. The rapporteur, a native of Manabí, was known as the ‘Golden Voice of Ecuador‘. In recent months he had serious health problems until his death was confirmed by friends and family.

Alfonso Harb, former director of Barcelona and partner of Álvarez’s profession, was one of the first to confirm the death of the sports journalist from traditional Guayaquil radios and from GamaTv in the last years of his career. He was 49 years old.

Alvarez He said that the first match he narrated was for radio Mambo. The match he recounted was between Portoviejo League and October 9 at the Model Stadium in Guayaquil and ended 1-1. That was an indelible memory that he always told his friends.

Álvarez also had experiences in 10 World Cups, from Spain 1982 to Russia 2018. He also had countless matches reported in the Copa Libertadores. In his record also stand out America Cups and Olympic Games, as well as Pan American Games, among other sporting events.

Journalistic organizations and sports clubs expressed their condolences to family and friends. The Ecuadorian Football Federation (FEF) He also made public his condolences for the death of Alvarez.


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