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Sports clubs see their existence endangered – other sports

DOSB not only fears financial damage from a pandemic.

German sport is afraid of suffering great damage from the corona pandemic, but can rely on the help of the state. “There is a real danger that we will find sports Germany significantly weakened after the crisis”, said DOSB President Alfons Hrmann at the digital general meeting of the German Olympic Sports Confederation and rejected the accusation of black paint: “Whoever thinks that this is portrayed too negatively , I can recommend: Go to the grassroots. “

The pandemic threatens large parts of the sport and its very existence. The results of surveys conducted by the DOSB among the member organizations had produced “alarming results”. According to this, half of the associations assumed that the corona situation would not change by the end of 2021, that they could get into an “existentially threatening situation”, said Hrmann. “The effects go far beyond the financial damage,” said Hrmann. 90 percent of the associations assumed that they would have to restrict offers, lose members or send fewer teams to competitions.

“We are currently in a very difficult phase. The difficulties are greater than with the first lockdown,” said Hrmann. “Again we support the decision of the federal government and the states in solidarity, despite the negative effects on sport. It is not easy for us.”

The Federal Ministry of the Interior has promised further support to German sport in the Corona crisis. State funding would be increased again for 2021 and, subject to the approval of the budget by the Bundestag, rise to 291 million euros. The federal government had promised 279 million euros to sport for 2020. “In addition to the planned Corona aid, the federal government is making around 600 million euros available to sport,” said Stephan Mayer (CSU), Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior. “That can be seen.” The federal government cannot compensate for every material loss.

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