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Sport: The Spanish beat the Croatians thrice within the first match of Group B

Sport: The Spaniards beat the Croatians thrice within the first match of Group B | hvg.hu

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June 2024. 15. 17:58 June 2024. 15. 20:01 Sports activities

The ultimate end result was established already within the first half, the Spaniards received simply.

FOCI EC 2024

The Hungarian nationwide soccer group reached the European Championship for the third time in a row. Marco Rossi’s group was positioned in Group A alongside hosts Germany, Switzerland and Scotland. Comply with the continental match with us, yow will discover out about a very powerful information in our collection of articles!

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Spain and Croatia clashed within the second afternoon match of the European Championship in Germany on Saturday, which was held on the Olympiastadion in Berlin.

A Gracenote in keeping with his preliminary estimate, Spain is the third most certainly to win the European trophy, and Croatia is the sixth on this record. It’s memorable that the nationwide groups of the 2 nations performed within the remaining of the 2022/2023 Nations League competitors, the place after a goalless draw and additional time, the Spaniards received 5-4 on penalties.

The beginning groups have been as follows:

Spain: Simón – Carvajal, Le Normand, Nacho, Cucurella – Pedri, Rodri, Fabián Ruiz – Yamal, Morata, N. Williams. Union captain: Luis de la Fuente.

Croatia: Livakovic – Stanisic, Sutalo, Pongracic, Gvardiol – Modric, Brozovic, Kovacic – Majer, Budimir, Kramaric. Nationwide captain: Zlatko Dalic.

The match

The Croatians began the match, at 18:00 Modric kicked off the ball within the packed Berlin area. Within the first 5 minutes, the Spaniards tried extra, however they may not create a harmful state of affairs. The primary shot that hit the objective was launched by Morata within the seventh minute, however Livakovic simply saved.

The next minutes have been full of groping once more, the “silence” was lastly damaged by the Croatian Majer’s free kick within the 18th minute, however the Spanish defenders headed his cross in entrance of Simón’s objective. Within the twenty second minute, Budimir was teased, however the Spanish goalkeeper got here out properly.

In the course of the second half, the sport was primarily performed within the discipline, neither group may threaten the opponent’s objective. Within the twenty ninth minute, after a very good begin, Morata bought off the mark and made no mistake (1-0).

A minute later, the Croatians virtually answered the Spanish objective, however Simón caught Kovacic’s shot. It did not take lengthy for the second Spanish objective, nevertheless: within the thirty second minute, Fabián Ruiz dribbled on the 16-yard line, then put it previous Livakovic into the objective (2-0). After the center begin, the Croatians have been once more in an important place, however Brozovic missed the chance.

Within the forty first minute, the Croatians got here shut once more, however Budimir missed Gvardiol’s sharp cross. Firstly of the two-minute further time, Kovacic tried from distance, however the shot slipped badly off his toes. On the finish of the primary half, the one 16-year-old Lamine Yamal gave the ball in after a small nook, and Carvajal, sneaking out from behind the defenders, put the ball into the Croatian objective from shut vary (3-0).

Within the first half, the Croatians had 53 % of the ball, the Spanish 47 %.

Second half

The Spaniards began the second half, after which began to cross calmly. The Croatians tried to assault, however they didn’t handle to get the ball for a very long time. The primary critical state of affairs needed to wait till the 52nd minute, when Yamal was fouled, however Livakovic made a courageous save.

Within the fifty fifth minute, throughout a scramble in entrance of a Spanish objective, the Croatians had a number of probabilities to attain, however they missed all of them. Not lengthy after, Perisic got here in for the Croatians and Olmo for the Spaniards, the previous changing Budimir and the latter Pedri.

In the course of the second half, the Croatians constructed a number of assaults, the Spaniards tried extra counterattacks, however neither facet may create a critical state of affairs. Within the sixty fifth minute, Modric and Kovacic have been changed by Pasalic and Sucic. With the Spaniards, Morata, who suffered a minor harm, was changed by Oyarzabal, and Willimas was changed by Merino.

Within the 72nd minute, Kramaric gave option to Petkovic, however the sport of the Croatians didn’t enhance considerably regardless of a number of substitutions. Till the 78th minute, when, after a mistake by the Spanish goalkeeper, Rodri kicked Perisic contained in the penalty space. The referee instantly awarded a penalty and confirmed the Spaniard a yellow card. The eleventh was accomplished by Petkovic, first Simón saved, however the Croatian kicked the rebound. The referee didn’t award the objective as a result of, in keeping with the VAR, one of many Croatian gamers entered the penalty space too early when taking the penalty.

The final ten minutes of the match and the five-minute additional time have been virtually uneventful, the Croatians misplaced their religion, so the Spanish saved their three-goal benefit and deservedly received the match.

The Croatians will play towards the Albanians and the Spanish towards the Italians subsequent Wednesday.

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Ukraine performed in discipline dominance, however was virtually not harmful for the opponent’s objective.

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