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Sport, Kristiansund | Took all the Stikk Ut trips in Kristiansund in one day

Nine men and one woman set out on a trip at 07.45 on Sunday. Seven of them had the goal of taking all 15 Stikk Ut trips in the North Sea town, while three were to jump off along the way.

And so it was. Einar Engvig, Andreas Sletbakk, Eivind Solvik, Fredrik Bru, Ann Kristin Amundsen, Aleksander Dye and Sigve Torland ended the extreme day of hiking by clocking in at Varden on Sunday night.

Torland has in an email to Tidens Krav written a travel letter from 1 May. Here the tour experience is reproduced more or less in its entirety:

Torland’s travel letter

With newly printed shirts on the occasion of the Kristiansund Sea Marathon, ten runners lined up at the starting line at 07.45 to run through all 15 Stikk Ut posts in Kristiansund.

The trail was to be run / walked from start to finish in the following order:

From the start at Frei Skole, the trip went to Larsbua, it went at a good pace and with a cheerful optimistic atmosphere. Selfies obviously had to be taken and the post registered.

Other goals were Lågfjellet. It got a little steeper, but the mood was still at its peak and the self-appointed motivator Einar Engvig made sure that everyone had drunk and eaten.

From Lågfjellet they ran in good spirits and with a good atmosphere towards Freikollen, the highest point of the day. New selfies and new refills with food and drink, as well as a birthday song for today’s jubilee Ole Birger Ulseth, before setting off on the descent towards the post office on Bolgvatnet.

After Bolgvatnet, it was the gapahuken in Furulunden that was the destination, and here there was naturally some change after being at the height. The temperature was rising, and climate adaptation of outfits is important when running for several hours. Mandatory selfie was also registered with the post office.

Then it was carried a little up to Utsikten. Still high spirits and a lot of laughter in the group which was now eight people, completely according to plan and agreed number of records.

From Utsikten we ran over bogs and wet terrain before we climbed up towards Breilia. Registration of mail, mandatory selfie, refilling of bag and food, and then it was down to the first proper break at the parking lot located by the path up to Drabovannet (which is not a Stick Out post this year).

There, the entourage was greeted by a group of supporters who had arranged food and drink suitable for active runners. Potato chips, middle bars, nuts, bananas, coffee, juice and water. This was a good and welcome break along with changing socks, shoes, shirts and trousers for many of us.

The jubilant in the entourage jumped off here to reach their own cake company, so we can only forgive or accept that, choose for yourself.

With new energy in their stomachs, dry clothes and dry shoes, the remaining seven ran to Kvalvik Fort where the next post is. Selfie and registration, new motivation, and the group ran around Omsundet to the next break which was at Shell Autokrysset. There was access to something that for some of the runners was very welcome, as well as the opportunity to replenish energy and drink.

After the break at Shell, the entourage ran to the one post we were a little unsure of where we would find, Sandvikstien. It is possible we ran the longest distance to get there, but it was a nice and a bit demanding trail, which probably sat in the legs of at least one or two in the entourage. Selfie and registration, refill of bag and new motivation to set course for the next stop, Kvernberget.

Up towards Kvernberget, there were probably more people who started to feel it in their legs, but the motivator and the group kept their spirits up and everyone registered at the top and joined the obligatory selfie.

From Kvernberget, the Nordsund bridge had to be crossed before setting course for Skorpa. On the way there, there was a short break with refills of water and necessary errands before we ran / went out to the post office at Skorpa. Everyone should join, there is something called, and when one in the group started to get very heavy legs, it was good to see that the others were waiting at the post office and made sure that no one fell off so close to the main goal.

From Skorpa, after a mandatory selfie and registration, the trip went via Folkeparken and down to Lasken. New selfies, new registrations, and the mood rose the closer we got to the end point.

From Klubba the trip went to Kleppen. Selfie, smile and laughter, registration and hurry on towards Klubba.

Here there was one who had a little heavier legs than the rest of the group, so he dropped out by such a large margin that when he was to follow the group towards Klubba, he chose the wrong course and got a few extra meters. Maybe not exactly what the legs needed, but the willpower probably defeated the legs that day.

For a while after the rest of the group had registered Klubba and taken selfies there, as well as ended the race up to Varden where Norwegian flags, serving and cheering crowds met them, the seventh runner also came up to Varden. Good and tired, but very happy to have completed the whole race.

Ten from the start, with planned departure along the way. Seven in goal. It counts as 100 percent goal achievement for the start of this year’s Stick Out season in Kristiansund for the gang who ran in newly printed shirts with advertising for what can quickly turn out to be one of the summer’s most beautiful adventures in the form of Kristiansund Sea Marathon.

How many selfies were taken on camera / mobile phones is not known, but it is strictly speaking not what counts. “It’s turan that counts!”

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