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Sport in the Corona Virus Crisis: Final Champions League Tournament in Germany? – Sports

Public life and the economy in Germany are slowly starting up again, however professional sport is still largely idle in the midst of the corona virus crisis. Among the major sports, only soccer has resumed operations: men have been playing since mid-May in the first and second leagues continue, the third division and the women’s Bundesliga run again. And in August it could Champions League possibly in Germany be ended.

Then from next weekend onwards the basketball Bundesliga host their quarantine tournament. Otherwise, the world of professional sports is initially quiet. The seasons in ice hockey, volleyball and handball have been canceled. Larger events like the Berlin marathon cannot take place either.

At the international level, football should be back at least soon: The professional leagues in England, Spain and Italy will resume operations in mid-June. Then in July again Formula 1 start. The Tour de France also hopes for a tour in summer. Definitely not going to take place this year the men’s soccer championship such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, all of which have been postponed to 2021.

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[Verfolgen Sie in unseren Liveblogs auch die aktuellen Entwicklungen zum Coronavirus in Berlin und zum Coronavirus weltweit.]

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