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Sport Austria presents letter to two million / government announces 700 million aid package

© Sports report

Sports Minister Werner Kogler and Finance Minister Gernot Blümel have a € 700 million aid package at a press conference today announced for all non-profit organizations – including sports.

Many of the 15,000 Austrian clubs need help quickly because of the corona crisis. Sport Austria President Hans Niessl describes the current situation in an open letter addressed to the two million sports club members in Austria.

The statements on the PK with Sport Austria President Hans Niessl, ÖSV President Peter Schröcksnadel and ÖFB President Leo Windtner:

Sport Austria President Hans Niessl: “We at Sport Austria have been asking the sports clubs for compensation for weeks. It was also promised that the structures will be in April and that payments will be made in May. That was not the case. Hence the request to Vice Chancellor and Minister of Sport Kogler that the promises will be kept. It has also been announced that 700 million euros will be paid to non-profit organizations. On the one hand in sports, on the other hand in social clubs and cultural associations. These 700 million are a very good package, but I find it difficult to put everything in one pot. Processing through a single point raises fears that the sport will have to wait longer for payouts. For many clubs, however, there is imminent danger, namely the risk of becoming insolvent, there is a risk of dissolution.

Sport has two million members in Austria, making it the third largest organization after the Chamber of Labor and the Catholic Church. Of these two million, around 570,000 are also volunteers and volunteers. This is a very special achievement because these volunteers work for their club for years or even decades free of charge to give the youth the opportunity to play sports. I consider the 15,000 sports clubs in Austria to be a cement of our society. The cohesion in our society is lived in our sports clubs and in general in clubs. Sport makes no distinction between where someone comes from and what they are. We call for quick and unbureaucratic help, and aid payments will still be made in May. Numerous clubs are faced with the prospect of deciding to shut down or merge. There is a hurry, we will need every club in the future. “

ÖFB President Leo Windtner: “With the breakthrough for the Bundesliga, we have taken a step that is extremely enjoyable for the sport. But it’s not about the Bundesliga alone, it’s about team sports par excellence. A model was developed that can be implemented in all areas – especially for team sports. The big problem, however, is that the clubs stopped operating for several weeks. If a longer break occurs here, there is a risk that we will find a hole in the offspring.

It is about keeping the existential damage to the sport to a certain extent. In an emergency, only quick help is effective help. We have to do everything we can to prevent the sports landscape in Austria from being unrecognizable in a year. Help must be provided immediately. We had hoped that the sport would have its own pot that it could administer and handle itself. We have the tools for this. Now we’re in the big pot of 700 million for the nonprofits. Good, but the most important thing is, of course, that we get out of the starting blocks quickly, because otherwise we are too late for many clubs. I hope that the haunting words that come from sport will be heard by those responsible in politics. It was said, “It costs whatever it is.” This should not only apply to the economy and certain areas, but also particularly to sport, which is of great value to the community and culture in our country. Hence our appeal to help sports quickly and directly. ”

ÖSV President Peter Schröcksnadel: “They’re in the desert, someone comes over and they ask for a sip of water. This answers: ‘They will get it, but only in three or five days’. That is of no use, because by then he is dead. So quick help is a very important point.

What I don’t like about this 700 million fund is that culture and sport will diverge. Because everyone will want to fight for their money. A fixed amount for the culture and a fixed amount for the sport would make more sense in my view. We from the Ski Association were lucky, the season was actually over in mid-March and, thanks to the good cooperation with the Ministry of Sport, we have been able to train again since May 4th. But our many clubs are facing nothing, as the future is very uncertain.

School sport is also very close to my heart, which should not exist now. It is completely incomprehensible. You can practice sports at school outdoors. We miss so, very, very much. Sport is a very important point for public health. “

Press info Sport Austria

Open letter to the clubs

the summary of the press conference

May 13, 2020

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