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Sport, “Another game”: so that physical exercise and play are possible for everyone

ROMASport in the Constitution celebrates its first birthday. Last September, sports practice was included in the Constitutional Charter, with recognition of its educational, social value and promotion of psychophysical well-being. But what transforms this principle into a guaranteed right are the over 120 thousand sports promotion organizations that work every day to make sport accessible to all.

Sedentary Italy. The Italians who play sports, despite the many Olympic successes, are just over 20 million (34.5% of the population) and thus earn an ominous world record: 4th place among adults and 1st among minors in the world for sedentary lifestyle index. There is also a clear gender gap: women make up only 43.3% of the sports population. And a generational issue is also emerging: young people do less and less sport outside of school. Furthermore, people with disabilities who are able to access sport are half of those without limitations (Source Ambrosetti, Osservatorio Valore Sport Report, 2023).

The main reasons have to do with costs. The main reasons for these gaps are high costs, lack of structures and lack of family example. The psychological reasons that push kids to abandon themselves are also growing: especially anxiety and burnout. The Third Sector is trying to respond to this scenario: a third of Italian non-profit organizations deal with sport, thanks also to almost 20% of all Italian volunteers. «Although it has recently been recognized in the Constitution, today in Italy sport is still not really for everyone. – declares Giovanni Azzone President of ACRI – For this reason it is necessary to valorise the very important work of the over 120 thousand third sector organizations which, throughout Italy, deal with the promotion of sporting activity, involving those who have stopped practicing sport or those who would like to, but does not have the means or physical ability to practice it. Also on this front, the banking foundations have always supported the third sector, ensuring constant economic and planning support, to help ensure that sport can establish itself as a powerful driving force for well-being and sociality, to grow truly cohesive and inclusive communities.”

To play #another game And social and inclusive sport will be the protagonist of the #Unaltrapartita campaign. Community in the field, promoted by Acri and Assifero, with the associated Foundations, on the occasion of the twelfth European Foundations Day which will be celebrated tomorrow 1 October. The main inclusive sport association networks are participating in the campaign: Aics, Csen, Opes, Sport for Inclusion, Uisp. The initiative received the patronage of Rai for ESG Sustainability and the media partnership of Rai Sport: over 130 events throughout Italy, including shows, meetings and appointments that will focus on sport for all. These are projects that encourage the sporting activity of young and old people, people with disabilities, migrants, prisoners. (The complete list is on site.

250 million from the Foundations every year for inclusive sport. Overall, in fact, every year the Foundations provide more than one billion euros in different sectors. The main one is welfare which goes to over a third of the total, followed by culture, education and research. 70% of these resources are intended for third sector organisations. The rest goes mainly to local authorities. The relevance of the role of supporting non-profit organizations in the country has also recently been recognized by Istat, which in its dedicated Census found that 64% of Italian non-profit organizations receive funding from banking foundations.

The resources allocated by the Foundations. Over 20,000 interventions are supported every year, with an average amount of around 50,000 euros. «Foundations and philanthropic bodies in Italy, as in Europe, play a distinctive role in contributing to the construction of an equitable future. They do this by paying attention to the needs of the territories, putting them at the center – explains Stefania Mancini, president of Assiferothe most vulnerable communities and people, giving them a voice. On this XII European Day of foundations and philanthropic bodies, Acri and Assifero collect and tell the stories and experiences of those foundations which, from North to South, from East to West of the country, see sport as a powerful tool for aggregation and social cohesion and of improving individual well-being. To face the complex and interconnected challenges of our time, as foundations and philanthropic bodies we have the duty to take the field, collaborate and share together the commitment to building a future in which no one is left behind”.

#Sport #game #physical #exercise #play
– 2024-10-01 06:37:38

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