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Spontaneous bruising on the skin? Find out why they happen

In this article, we will describe the possible causes of skin bruising.

Press release

Bruises or hematomas are marks on the skin that arise from stagnant blood under the surface of the dermis. There are many reasons why they can appear, from simple injuries to chronic problems that our body suffers and we do not know.

Find out more about the possible causes below:

When hitting a certain part of our body, small blood vessels break. These vessels open, causing blood to flow under the skin and stagnate, forming a reddish, purplish-blue, and yellow-greenish mark.

  • Bruise from genetic disorders

The blood vessels are strengthened with the intake of collagen. When the production of this substance is altered, the blood capillaries weaken, leading to the formation of bruises. Therefore, some genetic disorders as the loss of collagen are a problem.

But, Why do we stop producing collagen?

According to Dra. Rossana Llergo Valdez, president of the Mexican Federation for Dermatology (FMD), the progressive loss of collagen is a biological process that the person experiences from the age of 35 or 40. For this reason, many people choose the consumption of collagen as a supplement. He hydrolyzed collagen restores the levels of this substance protein, as the body stops producing it naturally.

  • Bruising due to severe undiagnosed condition

Bruises can arise from clotting problems or blood diseases. If frequently the size of the hematoma is large and appears on the trunk, back or face, a doctor should be consulted. Also, if it appears for unknown reasons.

There is probably a tendency to bruise. Research on history of bleeding during surgical procedures and analyze what type of medications you consume, as it could be one of the reasons.

Medications such as aspirin, blood thinners, antiplatelets, and antibiotics often reduce blood clotting ability. On the other hand, topical and systemic corticosteroids make the skin thinner, facilitating the appearance of bruises.

  • Bruise from age or sun exposure

Older age and continuous exposure to UV rays cause the support tissue around the blood vessels to shrink. For this reason, they break easily under any impact, no matter how minimal. To avoid bruising for these reasons, it is important for adults to minimize their exposure to the sun. In addition, the consumption of supplements rich in vitamin C is recommended.

  • Bruise from abnormal platelet function

Low levels of blood components do not help blood from an injury to clot quickly. He abnormal function of platelets or problems with the proteins that cause blood clotting are possible reasons for bruising for no reason.

  • Moretón by domestic violence

Bruising has serious causes such as domestic violence. If a loved one has an unexplained bruise and in an unusual place such as the face, this reason should be taken into account.

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