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sponsor of terrorism: the Foreign Ministry told about the threat to Russia of the decision of the UN court

Russia faces tougher sanctions and a severe blow to the economy if International Court of Justice recognizes her as a sponsor of terrorism.

About this on the air of the TV channel “House” said deputy head Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Evgeny Yenin. He recalled that our country has filed a corresponding claim within the framework of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.

“What will we have in the final (if the Russian Federation is recognized as a country sponsoring terrorism. – Ed.)? This is not just about any financial compensation. We are talking about the fact that the Russian side should be recognized as a state sponsoring terrorism. with the terrorists, as (Russian President Vladimir) Putin himself has repeatedly stated, there are no conversations. No business is conducted with them, “Yenin said.

He clarified that we are talking about the complete absence of foreign investment and access to foreign technologies, as well as restrictions on trade.

“All this will seriously increase the price for the Russian state for the current aggression,” the Deputy Foreign Minister explained.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, previously Russian political scientist and publicist Andrei Piontkovsky called Russia sponsoring country of international terrorismwhich poses a threat to the whole world.

As one of the arguments, he cited the hostage trade, explaining that this is in fact direct terrorism.

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