Home » today » Technology » Spoiler! This is WhatsApp’s newest feature in 2022: WhatsApp Reels is one of them

Spoiler! This is WhatsApp’s newest feature in 2022: WhatsApp Reels is one of them

TEGAL NEWS – For those of you who have been using WhatsApp definitely agree that this application is very easy in your communication process.

Reportedly, in 2022 there are a number of new features launched WhatsApp to support your comfort.

This technology update is carried out to increase innovation so that it remains at the top of the most widely used instant messaging application. Considering now telegram is almost rival WhatsApp you know.

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Reporting from The Verge, here are the spoilers latest features WhatsApp which will be released next year.

  1. WhatsApp Logout

As the name implies, this application will make you log out or out of your account WhatsApp you easily. This feature will later replace the delete account menu. It would be easier wouldn’t it?

  1. WhatsApp Reels

Now for the addition of this feature, reportedly it is still confusing. This has been mentioned by the Metaverse Company, it could be released next year. Procedure WhatsApp reels are similar to instagram reels. You can make long videos like on tiktok.

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  1. Multi Device Support

You must be familiar with this feature right? Next year app WhatsApp allows you to connect one account to multiple devices at once.

Interesting, WhatsApp you will stay connected even if the device you are connecting is not connected to the Internet.

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