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SPÖ Mattersburg: Illedits successor will be decided promptly

The commercial bank scandal is a hard blow for the Mattersburg district, both in economic and political terms. After the resignation of state councilor and SP district chair Christian Illedits, his successor has to be settled.

MATTERSBURG. Political work in the district office of the SPÖ should continue as normal until the successor to SPÖ district party chairman Illedits has been clarified. “We came to the conclusion that the district office will continue to operate as normal. The political work is coordinated by my colleague Dieter Posch, ”said SPÖ member of parliament Claudia Schlager.

Decision on succession

The successor of Illedits as district chairman should be clarified as soon as possible with an election in an extraordinary district party conference. Christian Illedits took over the function of district chairman of the SPÖ Mattersburg in 2004.
The decision about who will succeed Illedits as regional council should also be decided in the coming days. The SPÖ district party representatives hope that someone from the Mattersburg district will move up, said Landtag MP Dieter Posch from Neudörfl.
“The Mattersburg district is so strong politically that it doesn’t necessarily tie its voice to a mandate. But in one form or another – the governor has also promised – the Mattersburg district will have its weight in the government, “said Posch.

Criticism of ÖVP

“There is no question that the bankruptcy hit the district of Mattersburg very badly,” said parliamentarian Gerhard Hutter. He criticizes the ÖVP that a political scandal is being constructed from an economic scandal. “Where was the supervision here?” asks the member of the state parliament, for whom it is incomprehensible why ÖVP boss Sagartz is now demanding that the SPÖ should take consequences.
The SPÖ district officials see ÖVP involvement in the former supervisory board of the Commerzialbank. The district officials have also criticized the renewed awarding of advances and loans for ÖVP close supervisory boards and board members.

ÖVP continues to demand clarification

For the two ÖVP members of the Landtag Julia Wagentristl and Melanie Eckhardt, the ÖVP demand for information remains in focus. The aim is to uncover where the millions of the commercial bank have gone, who has benefited from banker Martin Pucher’s system and what the SPÖ has received.

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