If you want a loan, you have to meet certain criteria, such as a secure income, a certain amount of start-up capital and a certain age. Older people find it harder to get money from the bank. This form of age discrimination is legally permitted. But the SPÖ wants to change that.
26.02.2022 12.15
Online since today, 12.15 p.m
Insurance, suddenly no more credit cards or the overdraft limit is canceled – anyone who represents too great a risk for the bank and insurance company will feel the effects. If that happens because of age, one can speak of age discrimination, according to Helmut Bieler, President of the Pensioners’ Association. “We have received a lot of complaints about this – when someone wants to renovate their bathroom or change the heating. The banks in Burgenland have promised that they will take a look. Since then, the complaints have also decreased, I must say in fairness. But they are still there,” says Bieler.
Senior Citizens’ Association calls for a change in federal law
The Seniors’ Association also criticizes the current legal situation, according to CEO Rudolf Strommer. “Whereas in Germany you only have to prove that you can pay the current monthly installments for loans and that any outstanding things can be serviced with the property after death, we don’t have this regulation in Austria. A change in federal law is required here,” says Strommer.
WK Burgenland: “Will not refute us regulation”
In addition to creditworthiness and security, banks must also take age into account by law, but there is still great respect for the older generation, according to Alexander Kubin, head of the bank and insurance division at the Burgenland Chamber of Commerce. “Since we have been looking after our customers for a lifetime, we want to try to find bilateral talks with those affected, primarily in Burgenland. If that doesn’t work, our industry won’t refute a legal regulation either,” says Kubin.
Drobits brought in motions
Member of the National Council and spokesman for consumer protection Christian Drobits (SPÖ) brought three motions against age discrimination in Parliament on Wednesday, whereby both the Federal Constitution and the Equal Treatment Act are to be amended.