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Split assessment of the “part-time” cycle route – wien.ORF.at

“That’s all shit,” commented a cyclist on the new regulation to “Vienna today”. “That is half the solution that does not help. Although I’m a cyclist, I’m not really happy with this solution. ”Others criticized the lack of parking spaces at the nearby pharmacy in Vollbadgasse. “I live up on the mountain, I can’t go down without a car and now I have nowhere to park,” said an 80-year-old.

Vienna’s first “part-time” cycle path

So much dissatisfaction in Dornbach, where a cycle path has been supposed to calm the minds since May 28th. The starting position in the Alszeile was suboptimal, especially for cyclists. The only legal way was between the tram tracks, so many opted for a footpath next to the vineyards.

Reactions from passers-by

The citizens’ initiative has therefore been campaigning for a secure solution for a long time, the district then jumped on the bandwagon last year and worked out the current solution together with the initiative. During the week from 7.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. there is no parking lane going out of town;

Advantage “also for drivers”

This is a triumph for the initiative, said Martin Petraschek. “The solution has been very well received.” He sees an improvement for cyclists, who can get around more safely. “But it is also an advantage for drivers because they are no longer blocked by cyclists, just like the tram.”


According to the initiative, there should also be advantages for trams – because they are no longer slowed down by cyclists

According to Petraschek, the feedback from the population is largely positive. The parking lot situation has not really worsened, “because there are enough alternatives. People are now parking in side streets and you can also tell that very few vehicles are parked at night when parking would be possible again. “

Criticism around pharmacy

The night is not the problem for pharmacy customers either, said the owner Karin Orth. She described the abandoned parking lots as an “economic and social disaster”. Above all, she criticized the solution in Vollbadgasse, the connection between Dornbacher Strasse and Alszeile. Here, too, parking spaces have been abandoned so that cyclists traveling into town can find a safe route to the cycle lane in Alszeile.

“Most of our customers are old people, some of them have walking difficulties. We also have physiotherapy where people come with the walker. They can only come by car, ”says Orth. Some customers would currently stop several blocks away, “but most of the customers stay away”.

15 parking spaces and 2,000 residents

15 parking spaces have been eliminated. The district offered them taxi places around the corner. Customers can now stop there for ten minutes. “Only that is simply not enough,” says Orth. The district is aware of the problems, assured district chairwoman Ilse Pfeffer (SPÖ). The project will run until autumn and will be evaluated in parallel by MA46.

It is clear, however, that some things have to change – for example at the pharmacy, according to Pfeffer. According to Pfeffer, 2,000 local residents got together there and expressed their displeasure. Exact details of how the “part-time” cycle path will continue will not be available until the study is completed at the end of September or beginning of October.

A cyclist on the bike path in Vollbadgasse


The pharmacy (left) in Vollbadgasse – opposite the cycle lane

Improvements and conciliatory words

Petraschek from “Dornbach cycle safely” would have a few more suggestions for improvements. “We would like it to be converted into a permanent cycle path and ideally be structurally separated from the road,” he explained. The length can also be expanded. It should go as far as Neuwaldegg, said a passing cyclist.

Really close: wheel track on test in Dornbach

A part-time cycle path is a thorn in the side of some people in Dornbach. The strip is used by cyclists during the day and cars parked at night. A test drive in Vollbadgasse.

In addition, the end of the current section is dangerous, “because you have to swing back from the new wheel track into the rail trough, which often leads to dangerous situations,” says Petrascheck. Here, too, there have to be adjustments, as well as the way into the city.

Karin Orth also hopes for a good solution, also for her customers. “We are very much in favor of creating a good opportunity to get through by bike in the 17th district.” no pharmacy.

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