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Spleen, the former candidate of The Voice indicted for harassment, rape and capturing images …

While the case was already denounced in 2020, Spleen the former candidate of The Voice would henceforth be indicted for vi * ls. Indeed, the magazine NEON confirm this information this Thursday 1st avril. The former participant of the famous tele-hook is thus accused by several women of having attacked them in rather horrible conditions. Objection So comes back for you on these rather unsettling testimonies.

Spleen (The Voice 2014) the indicted singer

A chilling tale

Spleen, the former candidate of The Voice 2014 is thus accused by several alleged victims of having abused them by systematically using the same scenario. Already last year, Margot, one of the alleged victims, gave the story of her terrible experience. She says that she ended up with the singer: ”The floor was littered with pictures of women having sex (…), with him or alone “. Spleen even filmed her act, according to her. “It was horrible, he was on top of me and he was putting his elbow to the left of my head to force me to look at his camera which was on the right. I remember that during the act, I tried to hide my face by making movements with my hair ”.

His attacker would even have had the completely incomprehensible idea to send him pictures in memory of this moment. But other complaints for the same reasons would exist. According to the magazine’s journalists NEON, the number of victims would indeed be much higher. If we refer to the first facts denounced in 2009, they are in total about twenty. As well, all tell more or less the same story. The former candidate of The Voice It was therefore not his first attempt. Its modus operandi is always the same. Using the pretext of showing his musical universe, Spleen invited young women to his home. At his home, he had everything prepared. Particularly very suggestive photos and a device to record the event. On this point, all the testimonies seem to agree.

The follow-up to the case

This Thursday, April 1, the investigators of NEON came back to this affair on their Twitter account. The singer Spleen was indicted for rape, assault, harassment and unwanted capturing of images. “According to our sources, five women in all have so far filed a complaint against the artist “. According to their statements, “An investigating judge is now in charge of the case and an investigation into a rogatory commission is in progress”. Spleen let it be known through his lawyer that he is contesting the facts. The singer discovered in The Voice 2014 would totally deny the charges against him. A mode of defense which seems totally in opposition to the numerous depositions collected by the investigators.

If, of course, the presumption of innocence must always be recalled, the consistency of the testimonies seems in any case very interposing. An affair which in any case makes a lot of noise around the person of the former participant of the famous tele-hook of TF1. The man accused today had indeed made a passage noticed in The Voice A few years ago. His reinterpretation of the hit Toxic from Britney Spears had surprised more than one. But if Spleen is in the news today, it is very far from being for her talents as a singer. But for facts of extreme gravity which could lead him during many years in prison. Objection tells you more about this terrible story.

A thorough investigation

This information, disclosed not long ago, is said to be the result of long-term work carried out by two journalists who have long been involved in the affair. They would have thus published a complete investigation on the one who in 2014 made himself known in many The Voice. Spleen, the singer and musician, had indeed marked in the show, but quickly, the accusations against him really multiplied. Moreover, in addition to being extremely serious, the facts would be described as particularly horrific. Since the humiliation was going well after the act.

The alleged victims therefore decided to file a complaint and cry out justice. Women who say, in any case, destroyed by these horrible alleged facts. Because if the testimonies described by his victims were indeed true, it would be acts of total cruelty. Visibly traumatized, the witnesses in question thus decided to speak and evoke this painful memory concerning these heinous acts. A case which is now in the hands of justice and which is ongoing. Objection will remain attentive to the file to keep you informed about this scandal concerning Spleen, the former candidate of The Voice. In any case, an investigating judge is currently in charge of the case. She should do all the investigative homework to shed some light on this dark matter.

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