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Splashy Junior High School Students Turned Into Dogs in Lombok, This Is The Story of Animal Lovers

SERAMBINEWS.COM – Recently, citizens Lombok shocked by rumors of a junior high school student who was said to have turned into a dog.

The video, which recorded seconds of the discovery of the animal until it was buried by residents alive, has been widely circulated on social media.

However, the event, which was also viral on social media, was even responded to by citizens.

They even deeply regretted that this still applies in modern times like today.

One of them is Facebook user and animal lover, Desy Marlina, who also uploaded seconds of the video of the discovery of the dog which was called an imitation.

To Serambinews.com, Sunday (16/8/2020) Desy who was contacted via Facebook Mesenger said that the incident occurred on Tuesday (11/8/2020).

Desy admitted that she could not provide information on the exact location of the incident, because she did not want to cause problems with residents from the surrounding area.

The woman also revealed that to this day there is no authority to handle the problem that has been going on for several days.

Desy deeply regrets the behavior of people who still have mystical beliefs, to the point that they are willing to sacrifice the lives of living beings.

As an animal lover, Desy hopes that people can love animals more.

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