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SPKC does not have enough resources in the conditions of rapid spread of Covid-19, says the director

The Center for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC) does not have enough resources for high-intensity work in the conditions of rapid spread of Covid-19, this morning Latvian Radio said SPC director Iveta Gavare.

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The official said that the amount of work of the SPKC has greatly increased in recent weeks, but in general, the center has been working under increased workload for six months now.

The SPKC is coping with its responsibilities by re-profiling employees to control infectious diseases in order to be able to conduct an initial survey of Covid-19-infected people, track infection chains, and so on. The application “Stop Covid” helps the center in identifying infected contacts.

Gavare hopes that with the 113,351 euros allocated by the government this year, it will be possible to establish a new department of the SPKC, invite five epiodemiologists, and improve the use of information technology.

According to Gavares, it was understandable that the employees and students of the Ministry of Health were “borrowed” from the functions of the five new employees currently envisaged.

The head of the SPKC hopes that the restrictions introduced by the government will yield results within two weeks and that the spread of Covid-19 in Latvia will not be so fast, which would allow the SPKC to normalize its work.

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