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Spinal Pain Can Be Overcome Quickly with the Latest Technology BESS


JAKARTA Painful Currently, the spine can be treated quickly using the latest technology, namely Biportal Endoscopic Spinal Surgery (BESS).

Streets backbone which is composed of the neck to the buttocks, serves to maintain an upright posture and support body weight both at work and at rest.

The vertebral column is an area that is very susceptible to injury or problems because this area serves to support weight and is involved in various movements such as bending, twisting.

Medical specialist Neurosurgery Main Clinic DR Indrajana, Dr. Mustaqim Prasetya, SpBS said that the causes of spinal pain are quite a lot, including muscle tension or sprains to problems in the vertebrae, one of which is spinal degenerative disease.

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“Several degenerative diseases that can occur in the spinal column are narrowing of the spinal cavity (spinal stenosis), hernia nucleus pulposus, osteoarthritis, and thickened facet joints,” he explained in a limited Media Gathering at the Main Clinic DR Indrajana, Jakarta, Friday (10/10). /9/2021).

All of these degenerative processes in the spine can cause prolonged pain which is also accompanied by numbness, tingling and difficulty moving the legs or arms.

Pain can occur with activity or in certain positions. In addition, pain can also be caused by injury either accident or sports, excessive use, poor posture, and obesity or overweight.

Regarding the treatment, doctors need to evaluate by conducting a comprehensive physical examination and supporting examinations such as X-rays, MRI, CT Scan.

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