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Spider-Man 2: How Long Does It Take to Complete the Game?

The web has once again spread over New York with the release of Spider-Man 2 by Insomniac Games. As the weekend looms, the big question is: can you save the city in two days? Let’s immerse ourselves in the adventure to find out.

Decryption of the duration of the game

With two Spider-Mans, a bigger New York, and an arsenal of villains, the burning question is: how long does it take to complete this masterpiece?

The main story: around twenty hours

For those who are simply aiming for the end of the main story, I completed the adventure in 18 hours, without spreading myself too thin. And to speed up the process? During phases where you have to “patrol the city”, focus on solving a few minor crimes rather than long side quests to quickly unlock the main missions.

Main missions :

Spider-Man 2 has 31 main missions. There is no “point of no return”, but some side missions are sometimes inaccessible.

Side Missions :

Several players have noted the regular appearance of new side activities as they progress through the story. Most players decided to return to optional tasks after completing the story, typically adding nine hours to their play time.

The quest for the Platinum trophy: a longer adventure

The hunt for the Platinum trophy in Spider-Man 2 is bound to take you longer. If some speak of 24 hours, the site howlongtobeat.com estimates this time at 27 and a half hours. Of course, each player is unique. If you savor every swing between skyscrapers or every time you skim the surface of the Hudson River with your lycra-covered spider butt, expect to invest more time. But after all, the main thing is to enjoy every moment, right?

Spider-Man 2 on PS5: how long does it take to complete?

On IGN5 members of their team worked to finish Spider-man 2 and here is what came out:

The fastest and the slowest :

The fastest player completed the story in 18 hours. The “slowest” player took 25 hours to see the credits.

Gameplay Details :

Some were captivated by the New York of Spider-Man 2, spending 25 hours on the main story while exploring all the side activities. Others devoted around 19 hours to the main story, while making sure to balance between main and side quests.

The quest for the Platinum trophy :

For many players, obtaining this trophy took between 27 and 28 hours in total. A journalist friend logged almost 60 hours in total to rinse the game, while taking videos and screenshots.

However you choose to play through Spider-Man 2, the real fun is in the experience itself. New York City is waiting for you, so put on this costume and dive into this new spidery adventure!

2023-10-20 13:53:45
#SpiderMan #long #save #York

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