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Spicy details: Former employees chat about Lady Diana

Updated May 4, 2020, 1:26 p.m.

The British Tom Quinn is currently causing a sensation with his book about the British Royals. The author reveals numerous piquant details about Princess Diana’s life.

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Tom Quinn has written a controversial book that provides plenty of royal material to talk about in advance. In a post in the “Daily Mail”, the 64-year-old author publishes a lot of piquant details in advance.

From a naked woman sunbathing in front of embarrassed construction workers Princess Diana (1961-1997) to a princess Margaret, who is said to have mocked her husband Lord Snowdon with blunt reports of her affairs – all of these allegedly told former officials of the Kensington Palace Tom Quinn for the research of his book “Kensington Palace: An Intimate Memoir From Queen Mary To Meghan Markle “.

It is already a number one bestseller in the royal biographies category on Amazon’s UK website.

From Margaret to Lady Di: affairs and marital crisis

Quinns interviewees report aloud “Daily Mail” of numerous sexual escapades in Kensington Palace, especially Princess Margaret, according to the descriptions, was not a child of sadness. After her divorce in 1978, the part of the palace where she now lived alone was a frequently visited location for various affairs that she is said to have had during her marriage.

When Prince Charles and Lady Diana, newly married, moved to Kensington Palace in 1981, the marriage was already in the middle of a crisis, reports Quinn. They moved to a larger apartment in the family home, where Diana is said to have had “her best and worst moments”.

“There is a myth that Charles and Diana lived happily in this beautiful palace for at least the first few years, but the truth was that you could almost hear her arguing from day one, “Quinn quotes a former employee. A good decade later, Diana is said to have no longer hidden her affairs.

Dodi Fayed was not a welcome guest

“Diana was literally obsessed with David Hoare, almost to an insane extent,” Quinn quotes a person who was said to have worked directly for Princess Diana at the time. “She was walking around Kensington Palace in disguise, looking for phone booths from which she called him hundreds of times.”

Dodi Fayed, who is at Princess Diana’s car accident I was in the car in 1997 and also died. “He thought he was better and was very arrogant with us. Diana was so nice and made it her business to apologize to the staff that Dodi had shouted at every time,” says the former staff member.

Icy silence between Meghan and Kate?

For that too Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan leave Quinn provides an explanation from the royal family: “Living so close to William and Kate was clearly a step too much for Meghan.”

In Frogmore Cottage in Windsor it was the opposite: “Meghan realized that she could just as well live in the Russian steppe.”

“Kate was one of the nicest royals ever. But it was clear that tensions had to arise because Meghan had to accept that even though she was a duchess, she had not married the next king. I think it was difficult for you to deal with it “.

According to Quinn, the statement that Meghan’s new status has gone to the head also agrees with other former employees. After a while, the two brothers only met in pairs to “avoid quarrels and icy silence”. (elm / yom)
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Prince Harry worries about his wife Meghan: “I have lost my mother and now I see my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces”.

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