Money for war and weapons, but not for health. It is a real thrust that the president of the Piedmont Region Alberto Cirio launched the government, guilty of not doing enough to ensure the stabilization of the precarious health care workers.
“We live in a country where billions of euros have been found for weapons in no time: it was necessary because we are part of an alliance we believe in and it was necessary to give our part, but we must also find the money for health and healthcare.“This is the comment of the Piedmontese Governor, who also reiterated how the Region has had to face superhuman efforts to make ends meet in Covid time:”It cost us 600 million euros and the state gave us 330: we recovered the others with regional and European resources“.
Cirio then continued: “It is good that the Government takes note of this and ensures that in 2022 it will put its hand to resources that will allow us to pay Covid costs and invest every euro in healthcare personnel“.
The issue of stabilization, already raised by the trade unions, is well known: in Piedmont “only” 1,100 nurses and ossians who served during the pandemic will be hired indefinitely, the others will have to wait. “Stabilization – Cirio explained – it is not discretionary but is taken by a state law and provides that if you are a person who has carried out a certain profession in the public administration for a certain period of time, you have the right to be stabilized. In Piedmont there are over 1,000 and we will stabilize them all“.
“For the others, those who have not matured the requisites and will have to accrue them over time, a heated confrontation is underway with the Italian government. It is a question of thinking about stabilizations with money that the state has to put in“.
In the morning, Nursind Piemonte met with Governor Cirio on the subject of stabilization and the strengthening of healthcare. “The President confirmed to us that from 1 July the health personnel in possession of the requisites provided for by the budget law will be stabilized, including nurses, oss and other health professionals. An increase in the ceiling for personnel spending can only come with new resources Furthermore, the problem of resources does not only concern the issue of recruitment but the current situation would also put at risk the payment of indemnity incentives, overtime, etc. “.
“We believe that the trade union in this delicate moment must make a common front with the regions to request the necessary resources from the national government – underlines the Nursind – The same government that had pledged not to cut back on health care, rather to invest. On the other hand, if resources have been found for weapons, they are also found for health care. In the interest of citizens and the right to care and assistance“.