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Speeding Up Contractions: Foods and Drinks to Try During Pregnancy

Contractions are a definite process that occurs in every pregnancy. The process can occur when the mother is ready to give birth. However, there are several cases where the mother does not feel contractions, even though the due date has passed. In this case, doctors usually advise pregnant women to take several ways to strengthen contractions. There are various ways you can try, one of which is consuming food to quickly trigger contractions. What are they? Check it out in the following article.

Contractions help push the baby out of the uterus.

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What are Pregnancy Contractions?

Contraction is one of the signs that a pregnant woman is ready to give birth. Contractions occur when the uterine muscles tighten and relax several times. Contractions help push the baby out of the uterus.

When labor is near, the contractions will be strong and regular. Appearances can last about 30 to 70 seconds, and come every 5 to 10 minutes. Strong contractions make it difficult for the mother to walk or even talk. Mother will feel pain in the stomach and lower back.

What Foods Can Speed ​​Up Contractions?

Here are some foods that you can consume to get contractions fast:

1. Pineapple

Pineapple is a fresh fruit that contains many benefits and nutrients. Pineapple has as much vitamin C and high manganese. Although until now there have been no specific claims from clinical trials regarding the effect of pineapple on the acceleration of contractions. However, the content of the bromelain enzyme in pineapple fruit is said to soften the cervix and trigger the start of contractions.

2. Spicy Food

Spicy food is a popular option that many pregnant women choose to speed up contractions. You can try various types of spicy foods such as curries, stir-fries, and other foods that contain the spiciness of chilies when the HPL (Estimated Birth Day) has passed. Even so, keep in mind that not everyone can eat spicy food. Be sure to continue to make wise considerations and consult with your obstetrician.

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3. Dates

Dates are a fruit that is high in fiber and antioxidants. This fruit is generally good for consumption during pregnancy. In addition, there are other benefits that can be felt from dates, namely accelerating contractions. This has been studied directly in several clinical trials. The result is that women who eat dates in the last 4 weeks before giving birth are less likely to need induction, so they can give birth right on their due date or not far from it.

What Types of Drinks Can Accelerate Contractions?

Drinks below can pregnant women try to speed up the contraction process:

1. Castor oil

Consumption of castor oil by mouth, in a level of 30-60 ml helps speed up contractions, by stimulating the release of the hormone prostaglandin, a hormone that helps the cervix to mature and start the labor process.

2. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Red raspberry leaf tea is said to be effective in accelerating contractions and the birthing process. By drinking this tea, it can put pressure on the uterine wall, causing contractions and expediting the birth process. Red raspberry leaf tea is said to put pressure on the uterine wall.

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How to Quickly Contract and Give Birth?

Apart from consuming certain foods or drinks, there are several other recommended ways to quickly contract contractions and give birth. The way is divided into two, naturally and medically:

Natural Contractions

The first way to speed up contractions is with natural methods, here are some steps:

1. Moving Routine

Actively moving when the time of birth is near, can trigger contractions and speed up the birth process. The activities you do don’t need to be strenuous, just walking around the house or going up and down the stairs can also help.

Routine movement can make the baby gravitationally enter the birth canal. That way, the birth canal will experience increased pressure, and this can help widen your cervical area.

2. Have sex

This activity is widely recommended to speed up contractions and labor. Having sex is safe when approaching birth, as long as the amniotic fluid has not broken. Recommendations for sexual intercourse are given, because semen is high in prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormones that can cause contractions in the uterine muscles.

3. Orgasm

Orgasms are also called effective in accelerating contractions and the birth process. An orgasm stimulates the uterus, and triggers the hormone oxytocin, the hormone that causes contractions.
Besides being able to speed up contractions, the same hormones that are produced from the orgasm process can also help the mother to return the uterus to its pre-pregnancy size.

4. Nipple Stimulation

Another natural way to speed up contractions and labor is to stimulate the nipples. This is the method that is widely recommended and results in the production of hormones that speed up contractions. The nipple stimulation method can be done by gently rubbing or rolling the mother’s nipples, in order to stimulate the breasts and release the hormone oxytocin.

The bromelain enzyme in pineapples can soften the cervix and trigger contractions.

Contractions with Medical Assistance

How to quickly contract and give birth can also be done with the help of doctors and medical experts. Here are some ways:

1. Membrane Dating

A method in which the doctor will use special gloves and insert a finger into the vagina and through the cervix, to separate the thin membrane that connects the amniotic sac to the uterine wall.

When the membranes fall off, the body releases hormones called prostaglandins. This is a hormone that can help prepare the cervix for birth and cause contractions.

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2. Breaking the Amniotic Water

This method is also known as amniotomy. In this method, the doctor will rupture the amniotic sac during a vaginal examination using a small plastic hook to rupture the membranes. If the cervix is ​​ready for labour, an amniotomy can help a woman deliver in a matter of hours.

3. Provide prostaglandin hormones

Prostaglandin hormones will be given to help the cervix to mature. How it works, the prostaglandin hormone in the form of a gel or tablet will be given through the vagina or mouth. This process is done overnight, to make the cervix softer and thinner so it is ready for delivery.

4. Give Oxytocin Hormone

Another hormone that can be given to speed up contractions and childbirth is oxytocin. This hormone is usually given after the prostaglandins, and is given by infusion. Oxytocin will be given in small doses and increased until the process of delivery goes well.

Childbirth is a unique process for each person. Each baby may take a different time to be ready to be born. Therefore, in addition to carrying out some of the recommendations above to speed up contractions and childbirth, pregnant women also need to consult with a doctor or midwife to get safe and appropriate treatment advice. So many articles on how to get contractions fast. Hopefully mothers and babies are always healthy, see you in another article.

Has been reviewed by dr. Josephine Grace Suryadi


2023-07-18 01:33:25
#Consume #Foods #Drinks #Fast #Contractions

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