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Speeder stopped on the motorway near Leipzig

Leipzig. A civilian police patrol caught a speeder on the Autobahn 72 near Leipzig on Thursday. The 46-year-old man was also under the influence of drugs and did not have a driver’s license. He must therefore face several criminal proceedings.

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The officers were driving on the A72 near the Leipzig-Süd junction at around 9 a.m. in a special vehicle with built-in cameras when they noticed an Opel Astra driving at excessive speed. It was driving at a good 108 km/h, where the speed limit was only 60, according to authority spokesman Chris Graupner.

“The vehicle was stopped and, like the driver, subjected to a check. It turned out that the 46-year-old did not have a driver’s license,” said Graupner. A drug test carried out came back positive for cocaine. A breathalyzer test showed a value of 0.36 per mille. Small amounts of substances were also found on the man, which presumably also fall into the category of illegal narcotics.

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Criminal charges were filed against the speeder for driving without a license, driving a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs and alcohol, violation of the Narcotics Act and speeding, it said.

You can find further reports from the day in the LVZ police ticker.


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