Speed offenders in Freiburg im Breisgau are threatened with high fines this Tuesday (July 11th, 2023) because flashbulbs are being used again. All information about mobile speed cameras and where you should be particularly careful today can be found here on news.de.
This so-called Panzerblitzer causes resentment among drivers, especially on Germany’s country roads. Image: Adobe Stock / Christian Schwier
According to current information, flashes are only being used at one location in Freiburg im Breisgau at the moment. The location of traffic monitoring in the city area can of course change constantly. The details of the current speed camera locations are therefore without guarantee.
This is where the speed cameras in Freiburg im Breisgau are currently on July 11th, 2023
In the area Motorway feeder center, Zip code 79115 in Weingarten (Speed limit 80 km/h) a speed camera is currently set up. The position was reported on July 11, 2023 at 4:13 p.m., confirmed on July 11, 2023 at 6:06 p.m. (View location on map.)
(as of: 07/11/2023, 6:11 p.m.)
Speed cameras are used for road safety. Please always adapt your speed to the traffic situation and stick to the prescribed maximum speed for your own protection and that of other road users.
What fine should I expect if I was flashed?
The Road Traffic Act (StVO) is certainly known to everyone. In connection with the catalog of fines, this regulates the penalties for exceeding the permissible speeds. As a rule, you have to expect fines here, if the violation is higher, points in Flensburg or even a driving ban can also be added. Unless otherwise specified, the maximum speed outside of built-up areas is 100 km/h and in built-up areas 50 km/h.
Rules for cars in urban areas
VerstoßPenaltyPointFahrverbotbis 10 km/h30 €11 – 15 km/h50 €16 – 20 km/h70 €21 – 25 km/h115 €126 – 30 km/h180 €11 Monat31 – 40 km/h260 €11 Monat41 – 50 km/h 400 € 21 Monat51 – 60 km/h560 €22 Monat61 – 70 km/h700 €23 Monatüber 70 km/h800 €23 Monat
Rules for cars outside town
VerstoßPenaltyPointFahrverbotbis 10 km/h20 €11 – 15 km/h40 €16 – 20 km/h60 €21 – 25 km/h100 €126 – 30 km/h150 €11 Monat31 – 40 km/h200 €11 Monat41 – 50 km/h 320 € 21 Monat51 – 60 km/h480 €21 Monat61 – 70 km/h600 €22 Monatüber 70 km/h700 €23 Monat
What are the tolerances when flashed?
The deducted tolerances for mobile devices are the same as for stationary speed cameras. The following generally applies: At a driving speed of less than 100 km/h, 3 km/h are usually subtracted from the measured value. At speeds over 100 km/h, the deduction is usually 3 percent of the measured value. Some speed camera models have lower measurement accuracies, here the tolerance deduction can also be set higher.
Mobile Speed Cameras: How the flexible speed traps work
There are many variants of mobile measuring points. There are various standing devices that can be easily mounted on a stand or tripod and are quickly ready for use. The police can thus monitor accident black spots and danger spots very flexibly. Speed camera trailers in various designs (so-called enforcement trailers) are now well known. From a technological point of view, a general distinction is made between laser and radar measuring devices. Sensor measuring devices can also be used more rarely.
Radar detector – What is allowed in Germany?
In addition to the direct behavior of road users in road traffic, the Road Traffic Act (StVO) also regulates the use of so-called radar detectors. Radar warning devices installed in the car, which warn of speed cameras while driving, are prohibited, as is the operation of real-time warning apps on the smartphone. The smartphone itself and the navigation app do not have to be switched off for this, only the warning function for speed traps has to be deactivated. Paragraph 23, paragraph 1b of the Road Traffic Act reads: “Anyone who drives a vehicle may not operate a technical device or carry it ready for operation that is intended to indicate or disrupt traffic monitoring measures.”
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+++ Editorial note: This text was created on the basis of current data with the help of AI. If you have any comments or questions, please contact zettel@news.de. +++
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#Speed #cameras #Freiburg #Breisgau #Tuesday #beware #speed #cameras #July #11th